The Gulf Stream plays a significant role in maintaining the climate of the US East Coast and Western Europe. "We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years." The full study is Here

    1 year ago

    Everywhere I look everything is getting fucked to death. Insects, fish, entire ecosystems, entire climates, entire regions near the equator, all FUCKED.

    Then my uncle says “how come it’s getting colder some places, I thought the globe was supposed to be warming! Hahahah”

    At least he can arguably not give a fuck. He is rich and has no kids. I don’t get why the poors on the right side of the spectrum are so willing to parrot this idiotic bullshit though, don’t they realize their 600 even-poorer grandchildren are FUCKED?

    • Kuori [she/her]
      1 year ago

      gonna need some serious convincing not to put every single person who works for a fossil fuel company in the pit too tbh

    1 year ago

    Robust Weakening of the Gulf Stream During the Past Four Decades Observed in the Florida Straits

    Plain Language Summary

    The Gulf Stream is a major ocean current located off the East Coast of the United States. It carries a tremendous amount of seawater and along with it heat, carbon, and other ocean constituents. Because of this, the Gulf Stream plays an important role in weather and climate, influencing phenomena as seemingly unrelated as sea level along coastal Florida and temperature and precipitation over continental Europe. Given how important this ocean current is to science and society, scientists have tried to determine whether the Gulf Stream has undergone significant changes under global warming, but so far, they have not reached a firm conclusion. Here we report our effort to synthesize available Gulf Stream observations from the Florida Straits near Miami, and to assess whether and how the Gulf Stream transport there has changed since 1982. We conclude with a high degree of confidence that Gulf Stream transport has indeed slowed by about 4% in the past 40 years, the first conclusive, unambiguous observational evidence that this ocean current has undergone significant change in the recent past. Future studies should try to identify the cause of this change.

    1 year ago

    Seeing this, i kinda hope that it happens as fast as possible. That way the rich will see exactly what they've done, and maybe we'll manage to get some revenge

      1 year ago

      Hundreds of millions will die and hundreds of millions more will suffer, and the rich will care as much as they do right now

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      less over the top language protection laws

      Elaborate on that, bucko. up-yours-woke-moralists

        1 year ago

        A Parisian expert in French literature failed Quebec's "French Proficiency Exam", not to mention how other languages don't get anything close to the pedestal treatment English and French get under Canada's official bilingualism. One of Trudeau's cabinet was subjected to quebecoise nationalist mistreatment because she spoke an indigenous language instead of French.

        And BTW, I'm saying that as someone of Quebecoise descent, likely pure laine as recently as my grandmother.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Your response was a relief; as the emoji I posted was indicating, I was worried it was some frothing about pronoun preferences having some legal protections.

            1 year ago

            Nah, I just think official language status is a violation of free speech, and of the natural development and evolution of culture.

            I mean just look at France and Quebec in contrast, motherland French and Quebecoise French are nearly separate languages from each other with how incomprehensible they can be to each other, and yet both Quebec and France have strict prescriptivist official language policies in place supposedly in the name of "preserving the French language."

            If there was any sort of naturalness to any of it they'd rigidly have maintained the same exact language with all the same linguistic conventions, and yet that has not happened at all, debunking the supposed entire point of this farce in the first place.

            The only reason to maintain it at this point is that it excludes the lower classes from public office and official spaces, since they are the most likely to diverge from a prescribed cultural structure, and you can see that in Ontario where francophones raised riot when funds were beginning to be allocated for the language support of Indian and Chinese languages that actually had more speakers within Ontario than French did. It's not about preserving a minority language, it's about refusing the rights of immigrants to have their languages accommodated as well.