Some people are still kept there even decades after becoming adults.
Special fuck-you to state rep Jeffrey Sanchez
Massachusetts state Representative Jeffrey Sanchez, whose nephew, Brandon, has been detained at the JRC since 1992, is a major proponent of the JRC and their practices. Sanchez has repeatedly blocked the passage of legislation that would threaten the center.
I am actually crying. This is so horrible. It gets worse and worse the more you read about it. America is so fucking diseased.
There are no words truly capable of describing just how fascistic and omnicidal America is. You can only keep reading more and more instances of horrific acts and ideas present in this sick society until you barely have a glimpse of the USA's grotesque, sadistic nature.
Yet there are still so many libs who believe America is fundamentally good. They are either too isolated from the consequences of the US's actions (genocide, imperialism, the shit in this Wikipedia article, etc) and unaware or they believe it's just normal for people to treat each other this way... "human nature". They are like fish in water, incapable of seeing just how fucked up it all is because they grew up inside this empire. They view all these things as isolated from each other, not indicative of something fundamental or causative at America's core. Idk why I'm writing this. Just had to get it out of my head I guess. Maybe one of the apolitical fediverse people will see and consider it.