• Rafidhi [her/هي]@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      For those who don't click links. Elena Panina:

      "The truth is that on a criminal order, the country's parliament was shot from tank guns. And hundreds of unarmed people who stood up for the legitimate government were killed.

      The truth is that the bloody outcome on October 3-4 was preceded by a monstrous provocation: a "third force" was involved, which repeatedly opened fire on both sides of the confrontation. Years later, exactly the same provocation was repeated on the Kiev Maidan, after which Ukraine plunged into chaos. The same handwriting, the same performers.

      Yeltsin's entourage later claimed that the snipers allegedly worked from the Supreme Soviet building. However, I saw those snipers with my own eyes-and this was in a secure building of the executive body of the government, where they could not enter without the knowledge of this authority. Dressed in camouflage and armed with weapons, they climbed the back stairs to the roof of 19 Novy Arbat Street, where our office was located at the time.

      I remember the defenders of the House of Soviets. There were indeed a lot of young people who came from different regions on the barricades. But there were also many people who had seen life, representatives of industrial enterprises, then still state-owned, who already at that time foresaw the subsequent lawlessness of the 1990s.

      I remember the negotiations at St. Daniel's Monastery with the mediation of Patriarch Alexy II. Do not forget the efforts of the current Patriarch, then Metropolitan Kirill. In order to prevent bloodshed, we almost agreed on a" zero " option: the Chernomyrdin government should resign, new elections to the Supreme Council, and the political process should start from scratch… However, the negotiations were disrupted by Yeltsin's entourage, sniper shots and finally buried by tank fire.

      What is the background of those events that led to the tragic outcome? The fact is that the Supreme Soviet stood in the way of voucher privatization and unprecedented looting of the country. The immediate beneficiaries of the looting were the nascent oligarchy and the collective West, led by the United States. His advisers then sat in every office of the Yeltsin government: no matter what the minister does, everyone has a foreign adviser in the waiting room. Shortly before the October events, I had to take part in several meetings with Khasbulatov, where Chubais unsuccessfully tried to push the idea of privatization, since it required a decision of the Supreme Council. In the recently made Channel One film " Elena Panina. Personal history of the country " tells about it.

      Judging by the nature of the provocation, it was these agents of Western interests who gave the command to the snipers. "By driving the last nail into the lid of communism," as Chubais put it, they were actually trying to drive the nail into the lid of Russia's coffin. In October 1993, the people and the country resisted, but we are still reaping the consequences of those events, including in Ukraine. I think that something has seriously changed in our country if, contrary to the old taboos, the truth about the tragic events of thirty years ago was announced from federal television screens.

      This is a long-awaited step — but still not enough. Today, when Russia clashed with the same force in the proxy war in Ukraine, and many of the defendants who rose up in the blood of 1993 showed themselves as a fifth column, it's time to give a legal assessment to Yeltsin's coup. This assessment, along with political conclusions, should finally be made public. Otherwise, a new civil confrontation-not only in the center of Moscow, but throughout Russia — will only be a matter of time"