
        1 year ago

        Like that time the US was criticizing China for supposedly using slave labor to pick cotton in Xinjiang. I think more than one Chinese official noted the irony.

        1 year ago

        Absolutely surreal in the worst ways to see a major world conflict being fought in part with smug social media dunks.

          1 year ago

          A lot of US propaganda in World War II was actually not at a much higher intellectual level. In particular, the whole "victory girls" thing (inspiring the troops with porn and prostitution, basically), has often struck me as an instance of proto-reddit mind.

    • KiG
      1 year ago

      It's like how the Vichy French gov't was populated by rookie conservative nerd Heritage Foundation-esque freaks. The leaders of Western neoliberalism tomorrow are Reddit nerds whose interest in politics started from LARPing fascism in HOI4 and guzzling political compass memes.

    1 year ago

    I highly doubt that Moscow has a policy to massacre unarmed civilians or treat them like garbage. It made sense for the Axis because it was either part of its long‐term goals of colonization or terrorizing people into obeying its demands, but in the Russian Federation’s case all that it would do is create a propaganda victory for its enemies… this is (obviously) not to say that the Russian Federation is leaving all civilians unharmed; civilian casualties are almost inevitable in warfare, and there may even be a few undisciplined soldiers doing it intentionally, but we really have no good reason to believe that it’s policy like it usually was in the Axis’s case.

      1 year ago

      There was an Amnesty International report that UAF placed it's ammunition , rockets near civilian areas, mostly schools , residence and hospitals. In Mariupol , Azov did war crimes that is 10X times that of RAF. In krasny liman and in kherson they did ethnic cleansing yet no one is talking about that.

          1 year ago

          I gave you a valid link sadly, the ethnic cleansing did happen there were videos on Twitter but it was not reported by media

          EDIT : search videos from Wyatt Reed and Daniel Dumbrill, anatoly sharii ( Ukrainian opposition leader currently under hiding somewhere in EU)

        1 year ago

        Don't forget UA purging Bucha of "collaborators" few days after russians leave the area

        Or Tochka-U missile attack on Kramatorsk killing more than 50 people

        All that was done and than blamed on russians. Kramatorsk was done precisely to blame it on russians

          1 year ago

          Yeah, bucha was orchestrated carefully to divert people's attention from possible negotiations to warmongering. Even layman can understand when they see dead bodies with white bands and Nazi boatman calling for ethnic cleansing on video.

    • KiG
      1 year ago

      If anything, at a systemic level the Russians have even put themselves at militarily disadvantageous positions to avoid civilian casualties. The fiery start to the war was almost entirely military infrastructure and they have always avoided civilian infrastructure. Not to mention the millions they consensually evacuate and provide shelter and safety for. Which makes sense when it is recognized that this war is in part about coming to the aid of victims of Nazis.

        1 year ago

        I am surprised that Russia asked Azov regiments to open humanitarian corridors for 14 times.... They sent buses and vehicles many times but every time they were either shelled or shot at by UAF and no one in the West had the guts to call this horrendous war crime committed by Azov regiment, only few pro Russian channels mentioned it. Shame on this world.

      1 year ago

      UN estimate total number of civilians killed on both sides on around 10000 since the Russian intervention in 2022. Considering lenght and intensity of the war, and number of military casualties being many times higher, this war have very low civilian casualty ratio compared to for example Iraq war. This not only don't point on Russia using anything like US shock & awe doctrine, but opposite.

  • ProxyTheAwesome [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Love when Germans think they're extra qualified to talk about fascism. No you fools, you lost any right to speak on it for a century. Shut the fuck up Germans

    1 year ago

    The delivery of this is so fucking embarrassing, it’s like how brand tweets try so hard to be relatable, and in this context it’s sickening.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I'm so very sick of the "sorry, but" smuglord delivery system.

    1 year ago

    The German ambassador to Canada literally participated in a standing ovation to an actual veteran of the Waffen SS

    1 year ago

    Wow. I’m in awe. So now we can’t even call Nazis Racist🤦‍♂️ Fr tho, like can anyone explain to me why since last month people are sprouting up saying the SS weren’t Nazis? I’m not saying they’re right, but what grounds do they have to make this claim? It seems like if any group were explicitly Nazis it was certainly the SS right???

      1 year ago

      They are attempting to separate the SS from the official Third Reich by distinguishing as a paramilitary force distinct from the Wermacht. This is only true in the most technical superficial sense. In reality, the Wermacht were invading most of Europe while the SS were literally facilitating the holocaust in all occupied territories.

        1 year ago

        Even if we were to entertain that there were sections of the German military that weren't explicitly or consciously ideological, it doesn't change the fact that they are working overtime to defend a man who happily volunteered to massacre Jews, Roman's, and Soviet citizens and the Canadian politicians who celebrated him.

          1 year ago

          Mussolini swore allegiance to Hitler during the creation of the Italian Social Republic. It was essentially a Nazi puppet state.

    • mayo_cider [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Because it's getting harder to ignore Ukraine's past and present, and libs see it as a propaganda win for Russia

      1 year ago

      why since last month people are sprouting up saying the SS weren’t Nazis?

      Is this seriously a thing? (Not that I'd be surprised, unfortunately). I've heard lots of people try to exonerate the Wermacht, but the Clean SS argument is a new low.

        1 year ago

        I'm not sure about clean SS as a whole but a lot of people are trying to give the 14th Galician a clean slate.

  • 7bicycles [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Why are you sorry for calling out the slaughter of the innocents