• damned_moon@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    The ones that were advocating for any real changes are banned already. The current ones are mostly social democratic in nature. Moreover, there are elections next year, expect these kinds of crackdowns on opposition and press to continue till then.

    • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      These are not social democrats , these are communists from the same party as Vijay Prashad and they are pro China. The ones that you are referring Maoists and Naxals, they hate China and they think exactly like KKE ways of communism. They are mostly good for nothing.

      • damned_moon@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I didn't know that attitudes towards China were a yardstick for communism. Moreover, look at the policies of the Communist parties that have been in power in West Bengal and Kerala. They are social democratic, they aim to work within the capitalist framework with welfare policies.

        Heck when the party was ousted from Bengal due to land appropriation from peasants for one of the biggest capitalists of India.

        https://cpiml.net/liberation/2011/10/social-democratic-capitulation-and-cpims-decline https://www.timesnownews.com/india/cpim-takes-the-capitalist-shift-to-attract-private-investments-in-kerala-article-89965645 https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/kerala/cpim-policy-document-hails-private-investment/article65084749.ece

        I have no stake in the policies enacted by the party. But, if they can be called communists then I guess there's not much of a distinction left in practice between social democrats and them.

        • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Obviously yes, in today's world what's your view on China and how you develop communism based on real world scenario is a yardstick to measure your actual Marxism. I am from bengal , CPIML is a naxalite based party which helped to deindustrialize bengal and helped the fascist TMC to win power which enabled BJP to grow in bengal . CPM works within the framework of bourgeois democracy because that's what great Hugo Chavez, Nicolas Maduro, Sandista government are doing. You people are just idealistic hooligans who killed CPM members. Btw I live near singur, in Singur 80 percent of people had given up their lands for cash and plot for homes. CPC did the same thing in China. They brought SEZ and acquired lands from farmers. CPM wanted to do industrialization of bengal which the likes of you and Dipankar (CPML) prevented.

          hope you can also show our foreign comrades the true face of naxals. Lol idiots following US propaganda on China because they think Maoism was all good and curent China is revisionist, not to mention one of your CPML member kavita krishna became anti stalin and parroted US propaganda on Ukraine.

          https://cpiml.net/liberation/2020/08/chinas-concentration-camps-for-uyghurs-in-chinas-own-words https://m.timesofindia.com/india/85-of-bengalis-back-nano-project/articleshow/3438391.cms

          My father had been a naxalite for years, it's good for nothing, it is just some teenage marijuana smoking blokes think they can challenge India's military without having a solid foundation for mass line.

          • damned_moon@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            Lots of ad hominems. CPIML or CPM is in no way my party. It seems funny how you justify every instance of state violence on citizens by "China did it too" for the supposed greater good.

            • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Right your party is nothing because you people stand for nothing. We stand for real marxism , that's why most people from singur now wants TATA projects back in singur. https://m.timesofindia.com/city/kolkata/singur-farmers-want-locket-to-get-tatas-back/articleshow/69489897.cms

              There was no state violence, you can't be naive and think state is a benevolent entity. Stalin used authority to crush kulaks and it was not CPIM who used state authority, it was that CPIM didn't use proper state authority to suppress the fringe section of the so called the medha patekar , Mamata (who is not communist in any measurable way) that gave rise to the desolation of bengal and rise of right wing BJP in all over India. I am not justifying every bit of CPC and I am just saying the irony that you specially have come to a site who is pro CPC, pro dengism and which wants to learn the development style of China yet when communists did the real principled application of Chinese style development then you people go on how CPIM is social democrat because CPM attracted private companies, man CPC gave away the whole farming region to SEZ in Senzhen do you support it or not? If you cannot support the CPIM's style of development then you should proclaim you don't stand with China and you should say boldly that China is revisionist because lets be fair, large section of the foreign comrades here are pro China and wants to learn from it.

              Let's be fair it's either you stand for these maoist type, KKE type hooligans who didn't and don't have a proper way out for socialism or say you don't know anything and hitched yourself just for the sake of aesthetics of communism.

              • damned_moon@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                Look, I don't have a dog in this fight. I am not very well read on communism and especially on Chinese communism. The fight by the tribals has been since the time of the British and if Marxists are gleeful at the primitive accumulation in the name of development akin to the enclosure movement in 18th and 19th century Britain or the trail of tears in the US, then idk what Marxism is all about.

                What change would a Chinese style revolution bring for Indians? What are you fighting for and what are you fighting against? These questions aren't rhetorical but I hope that you are patient enough to give an honest answer.

                I don't support terrorism by Maoists or Naxals and their leaders have been idiotic. I haven't read much into the conflict and lived in low key terror as a child due their constant terror attacks. I only sympathize with them because they are literally losing their homes and being converted into wage slaves.

                • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  Singur farmers are not tribals , here is your information all gone wrong along with idiots who claimed China has concentration camps for Uyghur muslims . And industries are not built on air , be it USSR or China they are built on proper lands where there is connectivity to the highways and harbor thats why Singur was chosen to redevelop the Eastern sector. Maoists in west bengal had ganged up with BJP , and fascist TMC to block the industrialization process thats all. 80 percent of farmers had given up their lands for good compensation and 20 percent had problems due previous land legal issues in their family.

                  You don't have to a great Marxist to understand the basic logic , that a left government cannot just sit around and claim that poverty and wretchedness is good. Bengal is in desolation and people are flocking to other states for simple jobs . Are you as a great marxist like Mamata bannerjee will provide them that ? or perhaps not because BJP is on rise.

                  "don’t support terrorism by Maoists or Naxals and their leaders have been idiotic." - Bro you are sharing their links and then you are claiming you don't support them and then you are calling them idiotic ?

                  What change would a Chinese style revolution bring for Indians? What are you fighting for and what are you fighting against? These questions aren’t rhetorical but I hope that you are patient enough to get an honest answer.

                  To answer your question read CPIM's page and its history if not ....I don't have much time here to give you a lecture about communism in India. I can tell you that Maoists were and are in wrong path , they had selectively finished off Bengal's development and they selectively killed innocent people in name of Mao. That's not Maoism

                  "I only sympathize with them because they are literally losing their homes and being converted into wage slaves." That doesn't mean you should kill other peasant leaders of Bengal . Tribal problems are real and are due to the governments of Hindi belts but who gave these Maoists the authority to kill poor Bengalis (hindus and muslims) in Bengal and who invited them to provoke insurgency in Bengal ? Obviously Mamata as your perfect commie hommie has her secret dealings .

                  https://www.business-standard.com/article/economy-policy/cpi-maoist-cadres-kill-120-cpi-m-workers-in-bengal-this-year-110121400129_1.html .

      • cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I understand that the Naxalites have ultra-left tendencies that I've read about, and that they believe China is capitalist and imperialist, but aren't the Naxalites at least good for something? They control an area the size of Texas yet it has tremendous living standards compared to the rest of India, and I'd rather have classical marxist-leninists in charge despite their ultra-left tendencies rather than neoliberals. I could be talking out of my ass though.

        • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          FYI : They were brutally killed by military and they are not classical marxists Or anything they are deranged people who works just like the shining path of peru.

            • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              Sure start with our newspapers showing killings of poor peasant leaders

              https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Two-CPI-M-leaders-killed-by-Maoists-in-West-Bengal/article16372389.ece https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/maoists-kill-cpim-leader-in-west-bengal/articleshow/1353712.cms https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/2-pcpa-members-killed-in-encounter-maoists-kill-4-cpim-men-63355-2009-12-20


              just don't say its okay to kill thousand of CPIM members because they were revisionists by your line of thought because that just make you a psychopath

  • ComradeChopin@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    It is so depressing comparing my country and China. Both countries had very similar beginnings, population sizes and thousand year histories but one picking socialism and the other picking capitalism made all the difference.

      • Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Considering his notable role in the Gujarat pogrom, it's a horrific tragedy that he even got elected to head of state to begin with.

        • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          Well we had nut jobs around and we constantly elected rotten IMF and WB backed prime minister who had enormous corruption but India was far better in 2014 than in 2023. RSS and BJP always have a good digital strategy to capture and brainwash young Indians something we leftists need to learn from them.

      • monobot@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Can you share with me some more (foreigner friendly) info on Mody nazi inclanations? It is really hard for me (as european) to understand the issues concerning

  • davel [he/him]@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Article link: https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/10/04/my-friends-prabir-and-amit-are-in-jail-in-india-for-their-work-in-the-media/