• Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I don't get it, wikipedia says it's a conservative party yet this is it's platform

    Party's 2019 programme introduced the following points:[43]

    Free universal health care.

    Free education including higher education.

    Increasing the size and scope of disability benefits, maternity benefits and retirement pensions.

    The creation of modernised collective farms to work alongside the private sector. A Active state intervention in the spheres of infrastructure, transport, energy, communications, housing, pharmaceuticals, etc.

    The nationalization of foreign-owned energy companies.

    A commitment to law and order including both reinstating the death penalty for particularly dangerous criminals and addressing the underlying socioeconomic issues that may cause crime.

    A commitment to Moldovan independence and military neutrality.

    The opening paragraphs of the party's 2008 election programme stated that it viewed the average person's quality of life as superior under the Soviet Union when compared to modern times. It further stated that it viewed Moldova's alleged socio-economic problems as relating to Moldova's negative relationship with the Russian Federation.[44]

    • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      This is what a lot of conservative parties look like in the post Soviet space. With the exception of their views on culture war issues they are closer to our views than the liberal and even some of the socdem parties are in these countries.

      • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        It is just asking hey Liberal democratic Party of Russia isn't so liberal after all. And in culture war issues KPRF is hard right w.r.t United Russia 🤣

        • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          KPRF is a puppet party, and a useful controlled opposition. The liberal parties are more progressive then it now. Yikes.

          • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
            1 year ago

            I disagree. I think this is a wrecker narrative that has sadly become uncritically accepted among western leftist circles. There is little evidence to support this claim that the KPRF is controlled. The mere fact that they happen to sometimes agree with what the ruling party does is not sufficient to substantiate the allegation of controlled opposition. There are a lot of instances in which they demonstrate autonomy, independent positions and situations in which they play an important role in applying pressure on the government.

            As for who is more progressive it depends on your understanding of what constitutes progress. If you base it purely on culture war issues, the KPRF is not progressive. If we are talking economic policy and if we view as progressive that which advances revolutionary anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist politics, then the KPRF is the most progressive (major) party in Russia. I would argue that like all parties the KPRF suffers from internal contradictions and they can be both progressive and not at the same time. In this they reflect real contradictions that are also present among the people.

            • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
              1 year ago

              KPRF has extreme positions on everything like telling Putin, go and oust the kiev government. Vaccines are not good. No vaccines and mask mandates but it seems they are in the opposition they criticize the ways in which the Putin's government is implementing the things. Our commie party also didn't support full lockdown and stringent lockdown policies against people. But one thing I know KPRF is fully Dengist and he wants to repeat the Chinese development in Russia and he also wanted to repeat the Chinese covid response in Russia. I like Zygunov's assessment of CPC and Russia. Though he fails in cultural issues in that case most major parties in Russia are anti LGBT

              • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
                1 year ago

                I don't think wanting Russia to hurry up and get rid of the Nazi regime in Kiev is an extreme position. It may be ignorant of the military realities which call for a slower, more cautious approach, but it's a reasonable thing to put pressure on the government about lest it get any ideas of some kind of Minsk 3 compromise.

                About the other points, as i said there are good things and bad things about the KPRF, it is a mixed bag but it is what Russia has to make do with for now as the main force pushing for a return to socialism. Their idea of taking inspiration from China in how to build socialism in the modern era is solid, they can see that China has been a demonstrable success story.

                Doesn't mean they would or should try to completely imitate China, different conditions and all that, but at least analyze why China succeeded and draw lessons.

                • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
                  1 year ago

                  I just don't understand KPRF that much, on one hand they praise stalin and then on one hand they use right wing tropes such as globalist where Yuri Afonin said Trump is anti globalist. Lol. KPRF is just for show nowadays I believe. They should have fought against Putin to cancel this war, that would have been dialectically correct instead of which they played along with Russian nationalism and now there is a risk that Russia in future can turn into hell hole of white supremacist gangs together with the "Christian "brothers of Hungary and AfD of Germany. I don't think their elections have any validity too even in KPRF site they say they get immense persecution from UR. Together with the lost case of India, Russia will be a white supremacist state I believe

                  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
                    1 year ago

                    I believe we simply differ on this. I agree with the KPRF that Putin's real mistake was not launching the intervention into Ukraine sooner. They were allowed too much time to arm and expand their army with the help of NATO. The anti-Russian Nazi regime in Ukraine which has murdered, persecuted and imprisoned communists and which has attempted to ethnically cleanse itself of everything Russian cannot be tolerated by any reasonable Russian who remembers the sacrifice of their ancestors in fighting this same inhuman ideology 80 years ago, and certainly not by communists.

                    The KPRF also pushed for recognition of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics for a long time before Putin actually did it. On both these issues it was the Putin government that dragged its feet, was too timid and too conciliatory when it was clear from 2014 that a truly dangerous regime had come to power in Ukraine with the backing of NATO that was being built up to pose an existential threat to Russia and Russians, and that greatly contributed to the growth of international Nazism.

                    And after all, it was not to Russia that white supremacists and neonazis flocked to fight alongside other fellow Nazis, to go on "safari" and kill civilians in the Donbass, returning to their home countries with combat experience and going on to commit white supremacist terror attacks. It is not Russian soldiers that are constantly seen sporting swastikas and SS insignia. Due to the fact that Russia is currently fighting a bloody war against Nazis which has revived memories of the Great Patriotic War among Russians, the mood in the general population in Russia has become more hostile toward most manifestations of fascism, Nazism, white supremacy, etc.

                    Russian nationalism is a mixed bag as it can go both in a more reactionary or in a less reactionary direction, but for the moment the present incarnation of Russian nationalism has mostly expanded to embrace all the various ethnic and religious groups of Russia. You can see this in how the Muslim Chechens have been greatly glorified and elevated into folk heroes due to their battlefield prowess.

                    It is important to remember that Russia is a multi-ethnic and multi-religious state. Russia could not survive as a state under a government that tried to adopt an ethnically or religiously exclusionary ideology such as white supremacism. That is not to say there aren't many Russians with far right and reactionary views, or that these groups do not have a fair amount of influence in society, but they tend to be more of the monarchist variety.

                    It is true that Russia is aligned more with right wing "populist" forces in the West today and this is in part due to Russia's own reactionary attitudes toward certain cultural issues, but more importantly because it is currently the liberal faction (along with the establishment right) in the West which is the more ideologically committed to imperialism and to fanatically pursuing regime change in Russia and supporting the proxy war in Ukraine. Obviously Russia will seek allies among those governments like Hungary's which while aggressively reactionary in their domestic policies at least favor a more isolationist and less confrontational approach toward Russia.

                    • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
                      1 year ago

                      Bro it's like saying sitting with AfD is not bad if you are killing Nazis in Ukraine. I mean I understand your point but Russian telegram is synonymous to Nazi telegram. People are overtly anti Semitic and anti central asians. Sure Putin has said about Multipolarity and such but he also said Europe is losing its Christian values. I don't think they will have a system where KPRF can get a chance to win. They will be butchered to death by UR and it's military loyalists. Atleast that's how I feel. Putin will outlaw communism the very next day if it loses power in Duma saying Lenin was a removed and Stalin was a psychopath.

                      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
                        1 year ago

                        I think it's more complicated than you are making it out to be. Every society has its contradictions, there are simultaneously reactionary and progressive elements and Russia is no exception to this. Also, Russian telegram channels are not necessarily any more reflective of the whole of Russian society than Reddit is of western societies. They merely show the existence of certain particularly toxic elements.

                        As Marxists we have to be clear about which contradictions are primary and which are secondary.

                        As for whether KPRF can ever win elections, again this is not the point. We don't expect a vanguard party of the proletariat to win bourgeois elections. This cannot happen in the West and for now it probably cannot happen in Russia either. The point is that they represent a significant political force that is pushing toward some kind of a return to socialism and exerting political pressure on the bourgeois state to adopt more socialistic policies.

                        They are the biggest communist party in Europe. They hold more political offices and have more public support as a percentage of the population than any other communist party outside of AES states. We cannot turn our backs on an openly communist party with this kind of prominence in one of the most important countries in the world simply because of the existence of contradictions and reactionary prejudices either in the party or the rest of society.

                        Or do you think that other communist parties like for instance the CPC are completely free of reactionary prejudices? Do you think every AES state has a perfect progressive position on every cultural issue? Do you think that we should renounce support for, say, the DPRK because they sometimes say cringy grandpa shit about western culture?

                        There is such a thing as critical support which can be appropriate to have even of problematic actors so long as their net impact on the world is more positive than negative.

                        • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
                          1 year ago

                          Even if we give support here in lemmygrad , it doesn't matter much to Russia or KPRF. But truth to be told saying AfD is anti globalist or Trump is anti globalist then saying they are commies ..I know this is a fucked up scenario where mainstream left is against Russia but still Jackson Hinkle going in their MoFA academy to give a speech about secret cabals and god instead of something good is really pathetic. I don't see any possible good outcome if Russia wins this war. China will be there but the whole Europe and Putin's Christian values will get a huge boost for 3 decades or so.

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        Aye, I figured that they must be called "conservative" because of being anti queer or anti immigration, at that point.

        • pipedpiper@lemmygrad.ml
          1 year ago

          anti immigration is mainly by the Polish aka central Europe and western Europe , When you compare United Russia (which is big tent/conservative ) it is different from Navalny which says its a socdem then uses slurs against central Asians migrants and muslims , Russia now have a more relaxed policy (w.r.t Poles) on immigration from former soviet states due to labor shortages (that's why Putin receives hardcore slang in Telegram ).
          liberal article on Russia's immigration policies

      • jackmarxist [any]
        1 year ago

        Moldovan conservatives want to conserve the Soviet legacy of the country. Western conservatives want to conserve apartheid and white supremacy.

      • KiG V2@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        I think they already are.

        I have been around a lot of right, center right, and apolitical people lately, and they are becoming economically/politically left wing while retaining social right wing stances and mixing in some insane/unhelpful/fascist conspiracy.

        I believe this is to juxtapose our "left" which is by and large economically/politically right wing and socially left, and won't believe conspiracy to a fault (e.g. anything that isn't on Wikkkipedia is Putler propaganda).

        It is the carefully channeled and naturally inevitable future of USA politics, to give the most critical tools of opposing the ruling class to a movement that is at potent risk for degrading into fascism, while integrating the Left into the establishment and making those who champion social issues = imperialists; we can already see success with this psyop overseas where people are associating "gay" with "rich imperialist."

        Might make a longpost on GZD later about this.

    • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
      1 year ago

      it appears the leading opposition party is a russophilic communist party, so hopefully the voters switch to them

      • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
        1 year ago

        If it ever looks like a communist party* gets close to winning elections anywhere in Europe the political establishment will ban that party, imprison its leaders, persecute its followers and be praised for it by the EU as champions of freedom and democracy.

        The default axiomatic assumption is always that communism is antithetical to democracy, hence even if every single person voted for a communist party that would still be undemocratic. Democracy is equated with liberalism and free market capitalism.

        *(I'm referring of course to genuine communist parties which want to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, not to the various "euro-communist" parties à la PCF in France, BE in Portugal, KPÖ in Austria, PCE in Spain, etc. that are really little more than social democrats.)

  • Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    liberal hat on

    "Akschually this is GOOD, because they're pro Russia and Russia is evil so they're pro-evil. You wouldn't allow a pro-nazi party so you shouldn't allow pro Russia and pro China parties! I am very intelligent"

    Liberal hat off