
While I personally don't agree with all of Li's affermations regarding his animated short (nor do I think it's very good) and find myself more in accordance with Vimeo's stance, I do have a problem with their hypocrisy. If they find Li's film in violation with their policies, then the other cited examples in this article should also be excised; conversely, if they are allowed to stay, Li's film also shouldn't be banned.


Oh…you wanna see it? Ok…

  • https://www.ivanivan.ca/fruit or
  • https://youtu.be/watch?v=6egNNfLSN1w
  • https://iv.melmac.space/watch?v=6egNNfLSN1w
  • https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=6egNNfLSN1w
  • King Mongoose@lemmy.film
    1 year ago

    I forgot to add...

    WARNING: This video may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Viewer discretion is advised.

    The King cares. 🫶

  • wolfteeth@lemmy.filmM
    1 year ago

    While I didn't really like watching the film (clearly it's intended to be... adversarial to the viewer), I gotta say, it's shocking to me that it was banned from Vimeo, of all places. Tasteless it is, sexually stimulating it ain't.

    • King Mongoose@lemmy.film
      1 year ago

      Never forget Rule 34.

      While you touched on the Vimeo ban, no one has yet mentioned the "goose/gander" problem here with Vimeo. Maybe I should have linked to the other videos in question to see what Vimeo us allowing? Or, judging by the reactions here to only Li's video, maybe not...!