• Justice@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    Literally had to google this to see if it's real because it's absolutely off the rails fucking insane. It seems to be real though...

    Yea, yes 'New York Post' is basically the 'Der Stürmer' in terms of actual in-print just wacko insane right wing Nazi propaganda, but even for them this is... goddamn, man. Next time they should just post a swastika and be done with it.

    Also, in case it for some reason has to be said (and the US media/gov reaction (main stream not just the Post) has proven it does): "Israel" does not represent "Jewish people" and pretending it does, stating that it does, acting like non-support for "Israel", which is the objectively moral and correct stance, is equivalent to anti-Semitism... is itself an anti-Semitic act.

    Every single person who does so is themselves saying, by default, that "Israel" does represent all Jewish people and not supporting it means you stand against a Jewish ethnostate... which you should stand against. Ethnostates are bad. What year is it again? Am I really having to type out this shit as a rebuttal to mainstream US media/gov and public thought? "Hey guys, was Germany in the 1930s wanting a nation for "Aryan" Germans good? No? So... uh... what the fuck is Zionism's goal again? Do I need to continue...?"

    "Israel" should be dissolved as a state and Palestine formed. End the apartheid, end the genocide and for fuck's sake end this gaslighting bullshit about "wow, you don't think Israel should exist?!" No sane person fucking should! It's no different than supporting any other past attempts or imagined ideas cough the US cough of ethnostates.

    Liberals (rightly) scoff at American Nazis or "white nationalists" (same thing) and call their ideas of a white ethnostate insane Nazi bullshit, so why is it so hard to see that a Zionist state built on genocide and land theft from one ethnic/religious group to benefit a colonizing group with claims of "God said this is ok" should also be scoffed at on the ideological level, but since it exists now, should be actively opposed. Not supported without conditions, as the US state dept and entirety of congress (minus maybe one member) is currently doing.