Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • MisssDarylC@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    I am officially diagnosed with ADHD combined type! After waiting so long for my appointment and feeling so anxious that I was somehow wrong about it, it's a huge relief. I get to try medication and looking forward to the bonus weightloss that comes from it lol

    • Electronic_Owl@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      bonus weightloss that comes from it

      I'm on day 3 of starting my meds and I feel like the loss of appetite is real. Like, I used to forget to eat at regular times because of the ADHD, now I'm not eating that much because of the ADHD meds. I could barely finish half of my dinner last night and as of 1pm today I've had half a banana.

      • MisssDarylC@aussie.zone
        11 months ago

        Oh damn, it really is hitting you hard. For me it hasn't been too bad overall, my appetite seemed to not be too impacted, but I'm wondering if it's the low dose I've started on.

  • TinyBreak@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    god that was weird, I had to call Daycare back about something. I called and introduced myself with full name. They go "Who sorry?" I repeat, a few seconds of silence and I go "I'm X's Dad" "Ooooooh, X's dad, hang on a second I'll find who called you". I think its the first time I've said I'm someone's dad out loud. it has a very sobering effect.

  • PeelerSheila @aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    There was a cat sitting on the side fence yowling during the night. Mr Ps bedroom is that side, so he scared it off by poking the rubber chicken toy out the window and gave it a few good honks 😂

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    1 year ago
    incoming rant. Vulgar language may be used.

    Yesterday I noticed that Coles flatbread has gone up a buck from $3 to $4. That's 16.66666666667c increase per wrap. It's flour and water! I only buy it because it's made fresh right before my eyes so if you're reading this Coles you can go and lick my old man's left testicle you fucking bottom dwelling scabs. Yeah I'm dirty. I hope Santa brings you a big bag of farts ya scumbags.

    The End

  • Nath@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Ran 10km this afternoon. I think I've earned a Ferrero Rocher.

    *removed externally hosted image*

      • Nath@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        *removed externally hosted image*

        That was probably John Septimus Roe nearly 200 years ago. He's kind of a big deal in Perth history. Major highway named after him, High school etc.

        He is Perth's equivalent of John Batman, but revered more like John Monash. It's all Johns for days.

  • Taleya@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    cats are definitely adoring the new house. Oh that giant window facing north - not in my office, where I make noises at them for shoving everything off my workbench to sprawl, but in the dining room, where boxes and beds are placed for their use. Screen doors without modesty panels so they can breeze their whiskers and see everything and not wait for a human to put a little stool up so they can try and peep out. heating vents.

    Plus now they can see the entire back yard....and they're gonna absolutely lose their shit when the corellas invade the fruit trees.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Scooted myself down to a pub along the river. Cricket is on the big screen, the beer is cold and $10 a pint and they haven't played a song newer than the year 2000 yet. Life's good.

    *removed externally hosted image*

  • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Melbcat is fussing around giving indignant huffs. She’s had breakfast, meds and a treat so I think it’s because I won’t let her out. Accidentally letting her slip out behind me into the yard made her forget she’s an inside cat.

    • Taleya@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      got a screen door that's in the sun? We placated ours by opening the sliding door and letting them breeze behind the screen in the sun

      • melbaboutown@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Unfortunately it takes until late afternoon for the sun to slant through the window and screen door. Cruelly she can even see it approaching without being able to bask.

        I could drag myself through setting up her little pipe frame house and wedge the opening against the window to let her out in a controlled way but the intruder cat would come fight with her

  • oztrin@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    After a day of mad cleaning the estate agent notified me that the client has cancelled the inspection.
    BUT they're still interested. Keep crossing those fingers, everyone!

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Hahahaha ok so I just brought my golf bag up to my apartment and I'm looking through all of the pockets to clean it out/try to find my glove (found it) but I also found something completely unexpected AND telling of how long it has been since I played golf. I found 3 old porn DVDs in the big pocket, which were my friends DVDs he asked me to hide for him (I know how this sounds but I swear it's true). This is a friend I haven't seen or spoken to for about 10 years.

    Hmm my apartment building has a free public library shelf thing.. maybe I should make a donation.

  • Catfish@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    Oops, apparently I accidentally fermented the cat


  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    Woo hoo. It's that time again folks where I like a 🍺 🎶 🏏 and a little chat so 🍻 everyone and 'ave a good weekend.

  • Mittens_meow@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    What would you do if people at a workplace were organising lunch and openly invited everyone around you, but not you…. And you were sitting at your desk only metres away from the conversations.

    • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      I'd feel sad. Then I'd order a big pizza and eat it while making yum yum noises and licking my fingers and talking loudly on my phone.

      Ps That's a pretty shitty thing to do in a workplace. Big hugs mate.