I'm not sure if this is old news but I recently noticed this house which looks to have been griefed or destroyed by someone. Does anyone know what happened here and whether or not I should be worried about it happening to my base or builds as well?

  • Jeffrey@lemmy.sdf.orgM
    9 months ago

    Hello, Thanks for keeping an eye out for stuff like this. We have had some players in the past who would grief the server. We usually catch them pretty quickly and ban them, but they have left some scars behind. Not sure if that's what this was, but it's possible for sure. I usually try to repair stuff like this when I find it. I'm not the greatest builder, but I can somewhat put it back together ha, ha. I try to follow new players invisible for a while, just to make sure they're not out doing this stuff, but sometimes they do get through. This is most likely left over damage from one of them over time. Thanks again -Lulz

    • Draconic NEO@lemmy.sdf.org
      9 months ago

      Yeah me, goolse, and mcornick were cleaning up and it seems like it happened a very long time ago.

      We put the materials and the items in chests on the sidewalk in case the person from before wants them. goolse also decided to flatten the hill to the left so the road would be on the surface instead of being a tunnel.

  • feoh@lemmy.sdf.org
    9 months ago

    Kinda hard to say for sure, could it also be purposeful on the part of the owner?

    Seems crazy I know but stranger things have happened!

    • Draconic NEO@lemmy.sdf.org
      9 months ago

      It seems weird for them to do it because it's so close to spawn and it could be considered an ugly build.

      I also wonder if it was from a player not here or banned, though it still wouldn't make much sense to grief their house instead of just taking it down or giving it away.

      Also it seems like they're extending the subway tunnel underneath it as well as carving out a tunnel for the nearby road through the hill.

  • theMackabu@lemmy.sdf.org
    6 months ago

    Heh sorry im late, but I built that base a while back as spawn outpost and someone blew it up, nice to see that it has been removed!

    • Draconic NEO@lemmy.sdf.org
      5 months ago

      Just wondering, are you the one who built the farming structure and stone building behind this ruined structure? I repaired the two structures because they weren't badly damaged and they're still there, if they're yours I can put up a sign with your name on them, and if you don't want them I can just mark them as available for new players to move in.

      Edit: added image for clarification *removed externally hosted image*

  • cs127@lemmy.sdf.org
    9 months ago

    I remember that Connycal once had a base that got griefed, and it looked similar. not sure if this is the same one.

  • feoh@lemmy.sdf.org
    8 months ago

    Perhaps a good opportunity to fix/improve/redo that area? I don't know if that would be a violation of any community rules.

    • Draconic NEO@lemmy.sdf.org
      8 months ago

      According to Goolse it's been that way for years, and the person naver came back so he, mcornick, and I figured it would be alright and we all worked together to fill in holes, flatten the land, and also take down the house and put the materials in chests on the sidewalk in case the person comes back. So far there has been quite a bit of progress in transforming the area. Maybe I'll take a screenshot and post it here in a bit.