For instance, Assassin’s Creed Origins had subtitles turned off by default and 60% of players turned them on. And in games that had subtitles turned on by default, only 10% turned them off.

    11 months ago

    Few reasons why I turn on subtitles:

    • sometimes the dialogue is kind of boring and I just want to read and hit "next line"

    • sometimes it gives clues I wouldn't hear like "hunter growling" or "witch sobbing" in left 4 dead.

    11 months ago

    I play with them on.

    It’s not often that I can devote 100% of my attention to a game enough to play with the volume at cinematic levels and hear everything the way the devs intended

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    11 months ago

    I prefer them on, always.

    The mixing in many games often makes me miss a specific word, and it's distracting trying to catch everything said without a helpful subtitle bridge to do the lifting for me.

  • 1up
    11 months ago

    Always off. I’ve always thought it strange that they are on by default. Movies and TV don’t default to on.

      11 months ago

      I find it hard to ignore the text as my eyes always seem to want to gravitate towards it, so prefer to turn it off so I'm more focused on the scene itself. So yeah, I usually turn em off.

    11 months ago

    I've tried without and the audio balancing isn't always great, on FF16 Clive is hard to hear because his pitch is so deep I miss nuances or words completely.

    Also growing up with games before voices were normalized. Habits die hard

    11 months ago

    Most of the time i play jrpg's and i want it to be japanese dubbed. But my japaneses isn't good enough yet, so i turn subtitles on of course...But i have the feeling you are talking about something different.