...but did you know that there were only 144 public toilets in Rome? These public toilets were where the real business happened - if you wanted to get anywhere in life, you had to shit with the right guys. It's called networking. And with only 144 total, you could do a full toilet tour fairly quickly.

Anyway, I have IBS so I shit a lot throughout the day and it got me thinking: would I have been the most powerful man in Rome? Think of all the secrets I'd overhear, the politicians I could blackmail, all from the comfort of the most powerful seat in the land. I promise you that if we ever return to such a system, I will use this power to bring about the revolution.

  • glimmer_twin [he/him]
    4 years ago

    It was kinda similar in the UK in the music biz in the 80s and 90s, they said the toilet cubicle replaced the meeting room. But that was just because everyone was in there doing lines.