I nominate the first episode of Thus Spoke Rohan Kishibe to be the Official Intro To Jojo For The Busy Person. Needs no lore baggage so no getting dragged through 5 hours of Part 3 to get to the Good Shit, or worse, like 20+ hours of Parts 1 through 3. It's a pretty good representative of stand battles I think. Yes, catching popcorn with your mouth to dispel a curse is a stand battle.
Also it's a good anime, it's like a bunch of stand concepts that didn't quite make the cut for being too goth, presented in some silly Twilight Zone format. Absolutely zero Nietzsche. It's neat.
oh yeah not shitting on part 1, though I do think that the highly conceptual/gimmicky stand battles are probably what most people would want to show to their friends when introducing JJBA.