This isn't a joke. I dreamed about this, and it was vivid and even a bit exciting/scary in places until I woke up.

I know just how unlikely (or even unfortunate, given capitalist-laugh ) such a sequel would be, so if it helps to imagine what I just dreamed about, you could see it as a "spiritual" sequel, maybe unofficially done and probably not written nearly as well, though still starring the same protagonist lt-dbyf-dubois

It started with dubois-depressed waking up leaning dangerously over a balcony rail, drugged (though perhaps for continuity reasons depending on the first game's playthrough, it's implied to be not through any fault of his own) just outside of an ambitiously graffiti-tagged morgue. A wild party had just winded down inside; someone very unpopular in that part of town had died and even the morgue's employees were glad to be rid of them even while preparing the body.

While it seems like a disservice to the actual DE game (I didn't voluntarily come up with this dream), this one was in first person, so the first thing I saw after the opening narrative vibes was a breathtakingly beautiful early morning sky just after the break of dawn, with clouds shaped and colored like lava lamps swirling together.

The de-encyclopedia thing chimed in and told me that those beautiful clouds were from local industrial waste; some pharmaceutical corporation made its stuff in the region and dumped its byproducts in the water.

That was also why dubois-depressed woke up so thirsty and yet everyone he then asked for something to drink said that they already had "the good stuff" during the party and that the stuff coming out on tap was only good for washing, not for drinking (yes I woke up very thirsty).

I got very little useful information from de-rhetoric de-dice-1 de-dice-2 it seemed, because none of the too-tired-to-cooperate partiers wanted to explain how my character got there, why he was there, or even who was killed.

The body had signs of being attacked by some kind of cryptid, at least I could tell that much. Then I got some dream-driven de-inland-empire narrative-in-the-dream vibe that the cryptid was coming back, would kill again...

And that I knew who the next target was, and it would happen, if the case was unsolved, by sunset. Hehe, I'm in danger! tequila-sunset

I woke up shortly after that. I rarely get dreams that vivid or that specific or that cohesive, so I was impressed with my feverish recently-medicated brain for the good time. kitsuralsei

  • Comp4 [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    Only thing I will add. I sometimes dream of games that dont exist...then I wake up and am sad for a short bit that I will never play them.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I've done that. One of them was a Master of Orion-like space strategy game, but it started with first contact with an already-spacefaring alien race, and a sort of uplifting of society into joining them and their cause.