Anti-Germans strike again

  • DankZedong
    11 months ago

    Meh the Sankt Pauli ultras are a weird bunch of leftist who sometimes blindly follow the Western narrative on things.

    Green Brigade of Celtic showed them how it's done this time. And in return, Celtic revoked their season tickets.

    Edit: also this truly is a 'Shit Ultras Say' lol. Football ultras that is

      11 months ago

      There is also a scottish saint pauli club here in scotland, we stopped talking to the Hamburg guys a while ago because they kept doing shit like this. From the image it looks like they're desperate for our attention as usual.

      And the few who actually agreed with us didn't say shit cause they were scared of being outed as an anti-semite.

      German Saint Pauli fans are a breed of israeli fascist apologisits, and cowards. In fact most german 'leftists' are like this, not to mention the saint pauli germans were rabid ukraine supporters.