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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Nice walk around the golf course today. played like shit but it's still a win weather wise.

    The main thing I was thinking about walking around was the sunset beach dins and have concluded it will be a mcmuffin knockoff with egg, bacon, cheese, cheese kransky (took me way too long find at woolies yesterday), jalapeno, chilli jam, tomato sauce and mayo.

    Beach dins until the world ends!

    Which is naturally today's rave choon:


    Also saw a bit of the cadel evans roadbike GOR race. Damn they move impressively quickly. Seems a bit pointless being a spectator when it takes a few seconds until they're out of sight.

  • ooh just reading about the 4m great white shark over at sorrento.

    Got me thinking about all the stuff I've seen when swimming which is... not much.

    A seal, some dolphins coming up for air right on the shore (that was cool), a mini stingray and a little puffer fish and that's it.

    4m shark in the bay is nightmare fuel.

    There was a scare a few years ago at the back beach which turned out to be a big log bobbing offshore. Beach / water was packed and the panic was extreme.


  • Hot sauce!


    Lasts forever in the fridge. Still rocking some from 3 yrs ago and no botulism yet.


    Chilli powder. I usually just cut them in half chuck them skin side down on baking paper. In the oven (middle rack) @ 60-70 degrees for 5+ hours keeping the oven door open a bit with a wooden spoon then blend.


    Chilli salt.

    edit: nice haul though! mine aren't nearly ripe yet :(

  • Ended up at Mr Grubb @ Oakdene in Wallington for dins last night for the first time.

    Really nice relaxed place. Had the parma (they called it a parmie tsk tsk) which was really good.

    Apparently the place is owned by an eccentric older lady who collects rusty.. everything. Big open shed out the back dedicated to rusty farm equip, bikes (maybe 50 of them), a rusty tram(!).. huge hoarding gene there.

    9/10, not cheap but great atmosphere if you're ever down that way.

  • So the development going on out the back of mine used to be an old tip. Way back for decades people would just throw anything in.

    Just got a visit from an abstestos removal company saying there's a significant amount in there and that they'll be removing it.

    The outfit developing it has already upended the soil (a significant amount) and the people who were doing it didn't have any gear on.

    If I were the people doing that excavation and sifting (so a lot of dust) I'd be proper pissed off.

    Had they asked locals if they thought there would be a risk of contamination, everyone would've said yes.

    Instead these days there's no community consultation with these developments, always shrouded in secrecy, environmental reports not being released etc.

    Fuck those developers. And the council. At least do some due diligence and let the workers there know exactly what they're pulling up for their own safety.

    And to top it off they're trying to sell the ~500sqm blocks for $1m+. If I were in the market for one I'd be soil testing the shit out of that dirt.

    thank you for listening to my rant.