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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023

  • Coworker told me acolyte sucked and then qualified that with "I don't care about any of that supposed woke stuff people are complaining about, it just has bad action sequences and bad writing". Then he went on to rave about how good ahsoka was.

    This was a red flag to me. Like, why bring up "woke stuff" if you just really didn't enjoy it? I knew I'd have to watch both shows and see if they were indeed miles apart in writing and choreography or if my coworker is a closeted bigot.

    Long story short (too late), he's a piece of shit.

  • All of them i've actually wanted to try out I was able to stream via the xbox game pass website in a browser. It is not a perfect experience, but it is "good enough" on a decent internet connection. I understand that if you physically have an xbox you can also run the game on that and stream it to your linux desktop for much better performance and latency, but I have not tried this myself.

    That said, it is pretty rare. The only ones I've tried that with were fortnite (a friend wanted to play the lego game mode, but it was short lived - starved for content, lol) and starfield (it was free on game pass and I wasn't sure I wanted to buy it).

  • Gaming on Linux is really not as bad as all that unless you play a lot of games with invasive anti-cheat; which honestly, even if you never try Linux and stick to windows, I'd recommend avoiding or at least having a separate windows install for. I'm not a fan of having to install a rootkit on my computer that constantly monitors everything I do just to prove to some mega-corp I'm an honest player (especially considering how poorly even those work to stop cheaters).

    I'd highly recommend anyone upset with microsoft to at least setup dual boot with one of the popular gaming specific Linux distos and trying it out. Even if you did a few years ago, it has really come a long way in the last few years.

  • Crozekiel@lemmy.ziptoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comLife goals
    5 months ago

    Ah, thanks for the explanation. I wasn't trying to defend anything, but I suppose I see how including the "now" in my original comment might be construed in a "things used to be better" way. Wasn't my intention, I have no idea how it used to be anyway.

    Not going to edit the original though, for preservation of the context for this conversation.

  • Crozekiel@lemmy.ziptoLefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.comLife goals
    5 months ago

    It is sad this is the defacto situation now, but it shouldn't be that way. Managers should be there in interest of employees, to keep them on board, happy, and able to do their job efficiently... The company can't run without workers. Too many companies have forgotten that. A manager should be a buffer between the employees and the "corporate machine" (or better yet get rid of the corporate machine, but ya know...).

  • Have been having great luck with the move to Linux, Garuda on my main desktop pc and fedora bazzite on my laptop.

    While we are starting fights with our opinions, I absolutely love KDE plasma.

    Moving to Linux has made me so happy. I feel like a computer owner / user again. It's not always perfect but nothing has stopped me dead in the water and my issues have resolved in a few minutes of tinkering.

  • Crozekiel@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlDistro Picking
    8 months ago

    Sure. I didn't want to originally as I hate being that guy when someone asks "x or y" shouting "try z!", lol.

    If you are primarily planning to game on the computer, I'd recommend popOS to new to Linux users. System76 has some good tweaks for gaming performance behind the scenes and excellent driver support all out of the box. You can get all of these benefits on other distributions, but it's work to get them that I wouldn't recommend to someone not yet pretty comfortable in Linux.

    Beyond that, there are 2 others I'd recommend to keep an eye on, maybe not jumping in as your first foray into Linux, but are really good once you have some confidence built up. Those are Bazzite (an immutable fedora off shoot built around gaming, even as a steam deck replacement os but the desktop version is also pretty great as far as my experiences) and Garuda (rolling release arch derivative also geared toward gamers, is usually pretty impressive in benchmarks compared to other distro out of the box). Bazzite has a lot of those same popOS tweaks out of the box, and primarily uses flatpak for stuff you install, so you don't need to update your entire system just to keep discord happy. Garuda does a good job holding your hand compared to vanilla arch and has a lot of handy stuff setup and installed out of the box, but it is a rolling release so expect to run updates often (for this reason I'm not a fan of using it on an only occasionally used system). Bazzite does recommend against dual booting in the traditional sense using grub, they recommend removing other drive with an os during install and then using bios to choose what to boot, and that's the biggest reason I'd recommend being more comfortable before trying it. You know your comfort and skill level better than anyone else here.

    All that said, I'm not discounting Linux mint - it's a great os choice for all around use, especially coming from windows. But it may require more tweaking and fiddling to get the best gaming performance out of compared to something built around gaming. Ultimately, same thoughts about fedora - it's a great all around os, but if your primary concern is gaming it might take more work to get the best experience possible. Not to say your experience will be bad without all that effort either, it's all to be taken with a grain of salt.

  • Crozekiel@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlThe future of Linux
    8 months ago

    Honestly my biggest hope is some generally accepted way to install software that is consistent among distros. I'm leaning toward liking flatpak for this currently, but I also like how appimage works too.

    It is really close now, close enough I've dropped windows entirely at home, but occasionally there's still something I'll stumble across that officially only has Deb or rpm download options and if I try from my distro package manager it fails for one reason or another and I give up, just skip it, and be disappointed for a bit.

    Oh and support from devs of games at least as far to get anti-cheat stuff to work via proton, but I avoid a vast majority of those games even on windows because their anti-cheat can be so system invasive...

  • Anyone else notice the search (in windows 10 at least) suddenly being fucking useless? Used to be able to just type "disk man" and it defaulted to the disk management control panel, now it's defaulting to a Bing search (in edge of course even though Firefox is default browser) for the phrase... Tried it on like 4 computers and only one was even offering the control panel as an option and it wasn't the first one. Same thing with "default apps"...

    Really glad I made the jump to Linux when I did, everytime I have to do something out of the usual user use case in windows at work I find myself more and more frustrated and jaded with windows.

  • Unfortunately I live in a backwards, ignorant red state represented by complete idiots. The last time I wrote to my representatives asking them to oppose something like this they wrote back saying "the agree fully" and then went on to explain that they would definitely support it and thanked me for backing them... Then went on to show a complete lack of understanding of the bill in question.

    And I've been on his email list ever since despite clicking unsubscribe probably 30 times. The crusty sock puppet probably thinks that means "show me more" based on how he responded to my initial email.