Just a refugee

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Lumun@lemmy.ziptomemesThis ain't it, Chiefs
    5 months ago

    I know the band but never heard about the soccer team. That's really interesting stuff - also I'd guess Kaizer is another form of Caesar making the full name practically nonsense.

  • Thanks for crossposting, @Demigodrick@lemmy.zip. 36k active is more than I would have guessed but most people are probably on the low end for comments/posts. But I am happy that 4 months later Lemmy has proven active enough to stand on its own, at least for me. It sounds like .zip is stable on donations for now but I will likely contribute again in the future. Keep up the good work!

  • Lumun@lemmy.ziptoSpoilers@mtgzone.com[LCI] Cenote Scout
    8 months ago

    I feel like this card is absolutely nuts but I think this is just where we are for creature power creep. Over half the time, this is a non-legendary one mana 2/2 with counter synergies that basically surveils 1. The other option is a 1 mana creature that draws a land card. Those would both be insane if printed straight up.

    The downside is you do not get to choose. ETB draw a card creatures usually only get played in blink decks or with other synergies (spirited companion in enchantments) and 1 mana 2/2s only get played in stompy or aggro decks. I think you try this in stompy with [[Tribute to the World Tree]]