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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • Politics is nothing but coordinated violence, in that it is nothing but coercion of people against their own interests. If you're an interested party, than youre adding to the coercion of others. If you stay out of it, then it's not political to you is it?




    Try telling people whose rent has doubled or tripled within a decade that economics isn't violence. You'll experience some carnal violence in return, I'm sure.

    Politics = violence; it's the NC-17 version, violence all grown up and sophisticated. Sanitized for TV, in it for the sound bites. In fact, I'd say at least half of it is theatre alone. It's even been packaged up for the people to play along from home. The evolution of violence, fun for the whole family. I mean, what else would we talk about come holidays? HELPING each other?!?

  • I think the upper class should start proposing solutions then, if they don't like the ones going around.

    They'd do well to remember what happened to the knights templar, when governments racked up high levels of debt and all wealth was being privately hoarded.

    How hard would it really be for the seals to eliminate ~100 people?

  • Yip. I took the government what, 17 years..? from suing to breaking up AT+T, and they were the largest company in America that entire time.

    At+t tried to slap em with some exorbitant long distance charges and Uncle Sam got tired of the fuck around.

    To today; Google's been showing the wrong people the wrong kind of ads. Showing representatives ads for laundromats and daycares that offer drivinga ed after looking up how to launder money and traffic children. NO google, I did NOT mean THAT

  • He said a small town. Small town America gives it's homeless one way bus tickets to the big city cuz only the city can afford them.

    This leaves rural America generally homeless free and then Republicans can pile on to Democrats ruining our cities, as evidenced by all the homeless. Smh. All while willfully ignoring that both property crime and violent crime happen at far higher rates out in county.

    Every small town in America, having traded in its character for a freeway offramp, feels, and looks, the exact same nowadays - over policed and traumatized communities originally, back in the good ol pre-2008 days, addicted to Adderall and Oxycontin, nostalgically peeling scabs with meth and fent-laced brown. No will to invest locally, no desire to improve things, just escape from the overbearingness, stuck surviving in the dissonance between repeatingly mouthing self-affirmations/placations and the anxiety of knowing you'll live to witness civilizations end. Just in time for everyone to fall out of love with the discarded husk big tech left of the Internet.

    We are all war victims. Protracted slow economic warfare, intentional, we are all frogs and the waters already at a boil. But continue on being a pick-me for corporate greed (not you personally)

    With friends like these who needs enemies?

  • This is due to activist investors.

    That's people who'll buy up enough stock to be allowed at shareholders meetings and then they'll fucking DRILL the C-suite non-stop, derailing the meetings.

    It's a good strategy, even if it forces you in bed with evil. Make the rest of the shareholders undeniably knowledgeable and then theyll have to contend with shame or don the moniker themselves. Or start demanding ethical business practices themselves, which is what the lawsuit is ultimately trying to avoid.

  • Yep, gamergate, Steve Bannon and algorithms starting to trend towards the inflammatory.

    Also the SJWs, hot off their cultural kill streak, finally extended too far with demanding pronouns. It's ivory tower level privilege to demand the world bend around you, and then do it again, for every single person who identifies as whatever they feel like. The "I identify as an attack helicopter" really summed up the zeitgeist and capped the cultural narrative. That was the moment where the right crystalized into a mirror to point out the pronoun lunacy - and it absolutely is, if you think otherwise, get over yourself. Nowhere in anywhere, ever, do we see people just make ridiculous demands on people like that and it EVER work. Like, is every meet and greet, business networking party just gonna start with 2 hours of writing down everyone's him/hers/zlers/swishes/a12x2 whatever nonsense? No. Never. Sorry. In a perfect world, maybe, but we got a lot of work to do before even that level of perfection can be reached, I'm not thrilled about it either.

  • It needs to be noted that Jewish people were slotted into the financial trades (banking, lending, jewelers) by the Catholic church precisely because Christianity forbade usury but Judaism didn't. When Constantine declared Rome Christian this upset the capital class, who would now have to earn a living so a concerted effort was made to force the Jewish people out of the trades.

    Disdain from the proles and petty, even if we assume they were unaware of the social conditioning, would obviously foment.

    Now, combine with 1000years of illiteracy, mystery, folklore, fairy tales and the word of God delivered in a foreign language from a magical book and the root cause of antisemitism is mired in obfuscation.

    In this light, a community that speaks their own language to each other, refuses to culturally and spiritually integrate yet has all the easy high paying jobs, connected all the way up the social ladder, and is surrounded in the trappings of wealth...then let that sit and spread for a millennia and it makes the normal guy wonder, wtf did they think was going to come of this? How could anyone astute enough to understand that situation ever conclude it would end nicely for them?

  • Property prices are low? That means taxes are low.

    Tying property tax to hypothetical property value is BULLSHIT.

    I can accept a tax on land, use it or lose it, yknow but that value should be established at the time of sale - only. And suspended once one becomes infirm and is just living out their days.

    If I buy an undeveloped lot, suffer thru the lack of amenities and pioneer my way thru the ages into modernity (rain collection, solar, etc) likely taking all my free time building it out, why the fuck should I pay anyone for the "right" to keep it?

    Seriously, if I increase the property 'value' I should benefit from that, not be extorted by my community, state or federal government. If the options pay this imaginary number on this imaginary value of your stuff or we'll take it from you, under threat of violence, that the taxes unironically fund, that is textbook extortion and you're placed in a position of duress. I'd argue that the side bringing the violence (in this case the gov) is whole handily responsible for whatever outcome arises.

    I built it, its mine by natural right. You got the natural right to try and take it and I got a natural right to answer that in kind. Violence begins violence, how is this not understood universally by pre-k?

  • Not with Dems barely having the Senate, no way he's booted. They'll take the heat and weather it, that's what liberals do. Say the right words, shuffle their feet, and wait for the next distraction before continuing to not do anything.

    We know what Republicans stand for; themselves and the interests of who pays them. By the looks of it, a lot of money comes in from Russia and China (thanks Citizens United, no one def saw that coming ..except the military. The generals said it would endanger national security since day one).

    They absolutely do not have the best interests of yr average American in mind. Dems only know what Americans want from polling, and they'll promise then never deliver. As it always goes.

    One side wants a tragedy to shock doctrine the constitution. So we're left with choice R,= burn it all down at once, and choice D= the exact same thing just incrementally.

    Civil war here we come.