• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • J'ai quelques idées...

    Comme il est indiqué sur les infos du site, d'après eux ils se sont séparés du figaro, et bien sûr comme l'URL du site est legorafi = lefigaro.

    Ce serait donc un site exagéré parodique du figaro ?

    Mais je ne sais même pas pourquoi le site existe encore... Je suppose il y a toujours des gens pour perdre leur temps à lire des articles inutiles...

    (si l'objectif est de faire quelque chose de marrant, ca ne me fait pas rire des gens qui se font tirer dessus ou qq qui se lamente et fracasse la tête contre un mur...)

  • C'est quoi cet article de bouse. Elle est où leur source ? C'est la rédaction leur source ?

    Je ne peux rien trouver comme source à cet article.

    Donc sans source ou preuve que cet article est factuel, cet article est faux et une invention du journal qui est sûrement m*ique dans ce cas.

    Si c'est du sarcasme ou je ne sais quoi, c'est totalement raté et nul. Ça paraît trop gros pour être vrai, ce qui pe s'en rapprocher, mais ce n'est pas du tout une bonne chose de propager de telles fausses infos.

    Vu les autres articles de la rédaction, le journal est de la bouse.

  • The mx5 only support sbc (minimum to support) aac and LDAC. They dropped aptx to only use their own high latency (and not that much better) codec. The headphone has BT 5.3, but does not support LC3 (an extremely good, low latency codec integrated in base bluetooth).

    If you want to check what codec is used in windows, or change, there is a tool : https://www.bluetoothgoodies.com/a2dp/

    Not sure if it's free or free trial. But they also have a software allowing to check what is currently in use which is a free trial.

  • This tech seems cool for people who may need it, or even just for fitness or other things.

    But if Google is behind using the data to whatever money purpose (like selling ads), it becomes a bit bad.

    Tho they would already do so with watches or other health tech connecting to their services. So 🤷. If people have already choose a Google product for health, it doesn't change much, it's just another cool tech to the collection.

  • Un ordinateur fixe peut être beaucoup plus grand qu'un ordinateur portable. Je suppose que c'est un ordinateur atx. Et non pas un tout petit, mini-pc.

    Déjà le boîtier est plus grand, la carte mère et la carte graphique sont des composants séparés, plus grands...

    Il y a plein d'éléments dans le pc fixe qui sont plus grands, dont l'écran aussi.

    L'ordinateur fixe consomme plus aussi, même sur le bureau. La consommation des processeurs pc fixe et cartes graphiques pc fixe est plus élevée.

    Celle des pc portables est optimisée pour consommer moins, avec une puce graphique intégrée qui gère l'affichage.

  • Am I mistaken, or did you want to say 50mbps and 10mbps? 50gbps seems way above what a wireless network can do.

    For a vpn, your connection through wireless or fiber is exactly the same. The city only provides the fiber infrastructure. When you get Internet, it's through a provider which will use their equipments and main network (they link their network to the city infrastructure, using their devices. At least, it's how it works in France). Unless the provider is the city.

    Tho I guess that providers do give data to the state so whatever the case, it would be the same thing.

  • Tibert@jlai.lu
    toTechnology@lemmy.mlNone of Your Photos Are Real
    1 year ago

    Well it depends.

    Just from the subject: are mobile photos real

    (to simplify this and avoid a definitive no, well not talk about photos beeing real or not in numeric form).

    Photography is a complicated topic on mobile phones, with plenty of algorithms enhancing what a tiny sensor can deliver.

    • But let's assume there is a phone and algorithm, which manages to represent a photograph as close as possible to what I see.

    Are my photos real because they represent what I see at one precise point in time? Because it is what I remember something was?

    Or are they not real because of the algorithms interpreting the results to make it look like I see it?

    • Now let's assume I have another phone, like a Samsung or whatever. Such phone may take a picture, but that picture is modified, there is maybe more saturation for the sky and grass, while combining multiple pictures to do HDR... And plenty of other things.

    Now are these photos real?

    They change what I see, but would that make them less real for you/me? How do you see your pictures?

    about the article : When ai/photography manipulation is brought in the question, in order to change the first result :

    • It could slightly change colors, then I guess we could maybe comme back to above, is this interpretation real or not? More or less real?

    • It could be a modification of what and how elements appear in that picture. Here, for me, there isn't any question. The reality of the pictures are completely broken as they do not represent anymore what I could see.

  • Tibert@jlai.lu
    toPrivacy@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    Then maybe I can make you discover a very nice tool : Winget or chocolatey whichever you want to use. They both can be used in cli.

    However, I personally like the WingetUI software. Nice looking and supports winget, chocolatey, scoop and other. It also automatically checks for updates. It can either give you a notification, or maybe even auto update. Tho I'm not sure if it would solve your complete reinstall each time.

    To install wingetUI : Search for powershel > open without administrator privilege > type "winget install wingetui" > enter. Follow and read.

    Once installed you ca launch it and choose the sources (I recommend selecting winget and chocolatey at least, I like winget better than chocolatey as version numbers are closer to the real one). it also auto updates on launch.

    And to install it, just search for it :


    You can also install though winget or chocolatey without wingetui, but you'll have to update manually through the cli.

  • I like Firefox mostly because it's cool to have engine competition. I mostly use the default dark theme. It looks good enough for me. I don't look much at the top when browsing.

    On android it's still lagging behind the chromium competition. And having mismatched browsers isn't great for syncing. So I just use Firefox on android too, good enough.

    Tho, if miss matching wasn't an issue, personally I think I would use Kiwi browser. It's an open source chromium browser which supports chrome extensions.

  • Sur firefox, il y a aussi cette extension : https://addons.mozilla.org/fr/firefox/addon/traduzir-paginas-web/?utm_source=addons.mozilla.org&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=search TWP - Translate Web Pages.

    Elle remplace les mots dans la page come d'autres outils de traduction. Elle supporte Google, Bing et yandex.

    Sur Android il est possible de l'ajouter avec Firefox bêta comme les autres extensions non officiellement supportées. Pour l'activer rapidement il est possible d'appuyer avec 3 doigts sur l'écran, si elle est paramétrée pour ne pas s'afficher automatiquement.

  • If you don't want to read through all of this, here is a shortened version by chatgpt :

    The author presents a thought-provoking perspective on the impact of Microsoft's approach to computing. They suggest that Microsoft's products tend to obscure the inner workings of computers, contributing to a sense of mystification among users. Error messages that lack meaningful explanations and a heavy reliance on graphical user interfaces are highlighted as factors that deter users from understanding the technology they use.

    Moreover, the author argues that the Microsoft ecosystem discourages users from exploring alternatives and gaining a deeper understanding of computer systems. Vendor lock-in and a reluctance to delve into the underlying principles of software and technology are seen as barriers to users becoming more versatile and informed computer users.

    In essence, the author contends that Microsoft's ecosystem fosters a perception of computer use as something magical and impenetrable, making it difficult to retrain users once they have adopted this mindset. They suggest that an alternative approach, emphasizing text-based communication with computers and exposing users to different options, could lead to a more informed and adaptable user base.

    This viewpoint encourages us to consider the impact of user interfaces and software ecosystems on users' perceptions and abilities when it comes to technology. It underscores the importance of promoting digital literacy and encouraging users to explore and understand the technology they rely on.

  • I have no real idea, only suppositions :

    (I'm not treating Ukraine as the enemy, this is a full supposition).

    The real hard part is costs and time. If the soldiers pushed the front lines, and there is no risk of enemy attacks behind the line, there can be multiple things in the way :

    The terrain may not always be good for fast travel. With difficult terrains or mud and water.

    And because front lines aren't perfect, there is always the risk of enemy attack behind, destroying supplies.

    Now why exactly Russia did not send supplies to their soldiers, no real idea. They only know what they chose to do.

    Ukraine is huge, giant. Going up to the front lines takes time and money. And well I very much guess that Russia just sent soldiers without care, maybe even now they doing that. They underestimated Ukrakne's defenses and the support they get from other countries.

  • Steam os n'est pas forcément la distro du future. Les investissements que met valve dans son os sont partagés avec la communauté open source, et pourront être utilisés dans les autres distros.

    Par contre steam os peut mettre en place des habitudes ou des éléments qui vont être adoptés par défaut dans d'autres distro, comme flatpak qui pourrais devenir privilégié.