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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Its broken in the sense that it doesn't work, but it isn't broken in the sense of oops we accidentally broke something.

    They added BattleEye anti-cheat to online, without bothering to support linux.

    Even though BattleEye can and does support Proton compatibility, and has for years, the developers of the game have to request or opt-in to this functionality.

    But uh, Rockstar didn't, because they don't give a shit about linux players.

  • This has utility as a reverse turing test.

    Seriously, get 1000 people, do a double blind experiment where they get a remotely controlled phone, tell them they're part of a market research project for a new social network.

    Have one group always in real new social media app one group always in fake new social media app, another group that starts in real, switches to fake, visa versa.

    Mandate they all have to post something 3 times a day and view the app for 2 hours a day, run this for a month or two, then explain the actual experiment to them and question them as to which app version they thought they were in at what point time.

    The 'real' app has real people and no bots, the 'fake' app has just the isolated user talking to bots, and when you switch one group from real to fake, well the ai was training on the real people and now attempts to emulate them in the solipsism mode to keep up the illusion, and for switching from fake to real, just match what were bots to their LLM nearest real person, but keep giving the now real people the already established bot names.

    All of the versions have a variety of seeding from news sources to kick off discussions.

    Something like that, this isn't a totally exhaustive experiment design, but something like this might show whether or not people can even tell when they are or are not talking to bots.

  • The absolute worst, in my experience, is people who believe they are 'empaths', people who are hugely into superstitious nonsense like astrology or literal witchcraft, people who think they can 'manifest' things.

    Those kinds of people have whole worldviews built around themselves being special, enlightened basically having superpowers.

    They have no problem telling you how you feel or what you are thinking or why you did something, but if you even attempt to correct them, god forbid tell them they're literally delusional, they'll freak out and have a huge breakdown and cause as much drama as possible with everyone they know.

    I have had waaaay too many of those kinds of people in my life.

    I agree with you that most normal people would be embarrassed to learn they misread someone, but I seem to just have very bad luck of being surrounded by people who are just incapable of basic human decency.

  • Autistic person here:

    I often ask people how they are feeling. Even though 90% of the time I can correctly tell by changes in a person's behavior, language, facial expressions, intonation, etc, I am aware that I can't literally read minds and the most obvious solution to this is just ask.

    The 90% correct guessing figure comes from asking people and validating or invalidating my guess.

    However, in at least my personal experience, neurotypicals almost never read my emotions correctly, will tell me how I am feeling, and essentially never ask. If they do ask, they will often get frustrated by how complex my emotions are, to the point that they vastly oversimplify to the point of caricature.

    Then they go on to do or say things based on how they think I feel or felt and functionally spread lies about me constantly, which I am constantly bewildered by.

    I would say that I am far more empathetic than most neurotypicals I meet or know, far more likely to spend my time and energy being emotionally available for them than they do for me, far less likely to assume my initial impression is correct, far more likely to truly engage.

    As to the increased suicidality of Autistic people yeah that tracks with my lived experience.

    Not in that I've personally considered suicide, but I am in constant tension of wanting to communicate with people vs essentially always being misinterpreted.

    So I've just grown to be more and more content with mostly being alone.

    Basically everyone I ever once thought I loved or trusted has been so utterly incapable of giving me 10% of the emotional support or availability that I feel I give them that I've learned that most people will exploit me and then scream at or assault me or have some kind of total emotional breakdown which they then blame me for whenever I am able to tell them how I feel.

    Its beyond exhausting.

    As an example that happens frequently to me: I also have a form of neuropathy, which often causes me to be in extreme amounts of pain for no obviously visible reason. I will tell people, I am not angry with you, I am in extreme pain, I have neuropathy, and they will just say no you aren't, no you don't you're just angry for (insert projection of their own insecurity here).

  • Israel has done these attacks on UN convoys multiple times now.

    It essentially has to be intentional.

    People do not seem to understand that these UN convoys are done in coordination with the IDF. As in they give the IDF the mission plan (planned route, who and what is going where, when), the IDF signs off on this, and they are in radio contact the whole time.

    Or, at least until they start getting fired on by IDF forces.

    It would basically be analogous to just constant repeated Blue on Blue friendly fire incidents, in terms of the operational set up of... basically any other modern military conflict.

    Oh, right, other difference is these are all routinely denied or egregiously lied about ot covered up, instead of investigated.

  • https://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Math/Paquin/GeomSeriesCalcB.pdf

    Here's a standard introduction to the concept of the Convergence/Divergence Theorem of Geometric Series, starts on page 2.

    Its quite common for this to be referred to as the convergence test or rule or theorem by teachers and TA's.