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Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • stratoscaster@lemmy.zip
    tothe_dunk_tankmost nuanced liberal
    11 months ago

    Maybe I'm drinking stupid juice, but I think that people hating Russia isn't really a valid reason for them to invade Ukraine. I know that's not specifically what you're saying, but in essence that's the line of reasoning that I've heard throughout this thread.

    That said, Russia can't be painted as "innocent" like so many posters here are stating. They routinely violate human rights. See:

    Russian censorship of, among many other things, the internet: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Russia

    Russia's anti-lgbt policies: https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/30/europe/russia-upper-parliament-lgbt-propaganda-law-intl/index.html

    Russia's anti-protest laws: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_assembly_in_Russia

    Russia's general laundry list of human rights violations: https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/europe-and-central-asia/russia/report-russia/

    I'm not saying the US is much better, although it is marginally, but claiming that Russia is just "scared and defending itself" doesn't really track. It's an authoritarian regime.

    If I'm misunderstanding this, somehow, please let me know.

  • stratoscaster@lemmy.zip
    tothe_dunk_tankmost nuanced liberal
    11 months ago

    "The official Twitter account of the Donetsk rebels said in the early hours of Sunday that its forces were "taking Mariupol", but later accused Ukraine of breaking the ceasefire. Fighters from the Azov battalion, who are defending the town, said their positions had come under Grad rocket fire.

    Earlier on Saturday the truce had appeared to be holding, with only minor violations reported, as hopes mounted that the deal struck in Minsk on Friday could bring an end to the violence that has left more than 2,000 dead in recent months.

    Both sides accused the other of violating the ceasefire, but there did not appear to be any serious exchanges of fire and no casualties were reported."


    " The war began in April 2014 when armed Russian-backed separatists seized government buildings and the Ukrainian military launched an operation against them. It continued until it was subsumed by the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022."


    At least be correct about what you're citing. Russian backed separatists claim to be "taking Mariupol" and then backtrack with "oh no! We didn't break the ceasefire! I promise! ".

  • stratoscaster@lemmy.zip
    tothe_dunk_tankmost nuanced liberal
    11 months ago

    I mean for sure, but also that's not addressing the other points in my comment. Russia is clearly the aggressor in this case.

    I'm not sure why people are whole-hog against NATO when there's a more imminent threat against world peace pounding on the door of its neighbors. Y'know, the same one that was found to have directly affected the election of the US. The same one that's also stomping human rights into the ground (okay the US is also doing this to its own people for this one, you got me).

    Maybe once Putin keels over we can dissolve NATO.

  • stratoscaster@lemmy.zip
    tothe_dunk_tankmost nuanced liberal
    11 months ago

    Sorry I missed the part where NATO was an authoritarian regime that genocided people en masse.

    Also hasn't Russia repeatedly threatened countries to not join NATO? https://www.cnbc.com/2022/05/12/russia-threatens-retaliatory-steps-if-finland-joins-nato.html

    I get that NATO is a primary threat towards Russia because, y'know, they're currently attempting genocide against Ukrainians, but to compare NATO to Nazi Germany is a little disingenuous don't you think?

  • Yeah but Nazism spread via propaganda, which is what dogwhistling is a form of.

    The Internet is the largest spreader of propaganda that humanity has ever seen, so it's not surprising that it helped revitalize neo-nazism and fascism is general. It also served to make satire and actual radicalized behavior harder to detect. A lot of the time, 4chan boards use this "edgy satire" format to normalize the behavior (to an extent). See: the "MAP" misinformation campaign they did and how it reinforced actual pedophilia and demonized LGBT groups