WTF, I was trying to show my therapist something I found in a post here… She’s 79. Screen sharing via video chat; be fuckin’ careful. Only once. Bookmark yo’ links.

*(I was using the site as the quickest way to access the content. I didn’t have it saved, or what precisely to search for. Therapy sessions are timed. That’s why.)


e: She wasn’t shook or anything. Wasn’t a big deal, but of ALL THE TAGLINES! I do take responsibility for it, ultimately. I know about you libs and your ways.

-For the most part this was for all of you to laugh at! (But for real, in general, that tag line isn’t our best, folks.)

[My therapist is ride or fucking die, my psychiatrist as well. And it’s just not my favorite thing I’ve shared, nothing more. But for those who have had bad therapy experiences and alluding to it — being fully open and communicative with implicit trust is possible. I have government provided healthcare, it’s not some rich people exclusive. It took time, it wasn’t a magical meet-cute. So, that’s that.]

{oops forgot to say: love to my trans homies and their homies as well. love you libs, too, but definitely not as much.}

  • DoctaaMonstaa [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Tony: "Saw a meme today. Was pretty funny, made me laugh real good."

    Melfi: "Anthony, was this another meme from that website we've talked about, with the hexagonal bear?"

    Tony: "You know what how about you get da fuck offa my ass okay? Dere's nuttin wrong witthat website!"

      • DoctaaMonstaa [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Chris: Tone, I'm just sayin', I think dat dis whole anarchy thing makes some sense, you know? Doze otha guys, dey was all doin atharitarian shit, like wit the holodinner an' whatnot.

        Tony: You shut da fuggup about about dat, it was da damn weathuh! And doze kulaks didn't help none eitha! Doze anarchists in Spain you love, how far did dey get huh?

        Chris: [Cocks head and throws hand in the air in mild exasperation, ending the conversation]