Fascists: I want everyone in the same country, rich and poor alike, to accept their place in the hierarchy and do their part to protect our Glorious Nation™ from foreigners. Seriously you guys, I can't stress enough how much I hate communism and want literally the exact opposite of what they want. Surely nobody will ever lump us-

Liberals: C O L L E C T I V I S M :galaxy-brain:

  • MalarchoBidenism [he/him]
    2 years ago

    True, but to me "Collectivism" is even more ridiculous than those because when applied to communists it refers to class struggle and when applied to fascists it refers to class collaborationism. These two things are literally the opposite! What the fuck liberals :agony-mescaline:

    • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
      2 years ago

      It's like "populism" which literally means "everything that isn't cold-blooded, warmongering hegemonic liberalism." It's applied to racism and civil rights activism, pro-democracy and anti-democracy positions, and pro-war (when it's for the "wrong" reasons) and anti-war (always) positions. Literally the only thing that's not "populism" to people who say "populism" is weird centrist liberalism that has no strong opinion on civil rights, opposes democracy in the "correct" way, and always beats the war drums when told that's the "good" thing to do. Everything from elitist warrior death cults to radical popular democracy is just "populism" to them.

      • emizeko [they/them]
        2 years ago

        reminds me of this

        The question of “free press” and “free speech” is not separable from the question of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie versus the dictatorship of the proletariat. The idea of “political plurality” as such turns out to be the negation of the possibility of achieving any kind of truth in the realm of politics, it reduces all historical and value claims to the rank of mere opinion. And of course, so long as someone’s political convictions are mere opinion, they won’t rise to defend them. And so the liberal state remains the dictatorial organ of the bourgeoisie, with roads being built or legislation being passed only as commanded by the interests of capital, completely disregarding the interests of workers. Under regimes where political plurality is falsely upheld as a supreme virtue, the very notion of asserting oneself as possessing a truth appears aggressive and “authoritarian.”

        from https://redsails.org/brainwashing/

      • Ho_Chi_Chungus [she/her]
        2 years ago

        It’s like “populism” which literally means “everything that isn’t cold-blooded, warmongering hegemonic liberalism.”

        Somebody said that there should be good things for people who aren't me. What a bastard