In his glowing endorsement of Peter Soto's PURE magazine, a child pornography zine which got Sotos convicted of possessing and distributing CP, Albini praises PURE for it's punk rock ethos and speaks warmly of Sotos. Albini also goes on to express his own pleasure at the content of the magazine:

The cover of PURE 2 is a guy holding open a toddler’s puny hole so his spuzz can dribble out. The girl is past crying. She is destroyed. Like I said, I like that sort of thing


From the European Big Black tour diary, Albini recounts his enjoyment of the child pornography magazines he found in a sex shop in Hamburg:

Jaded as I am, I can't help but flip seeing a girl and guy of twelve or thirteen, tops, ramming Martel bottles up each other's asses. These are not the Dutch equivalent of abused trailer-park kids, either. They look to be in excellent health and seem to be honestly enjoying this. Makes all the conventional arguments against this kind of thing seem really silly. They're kids. Kids like to play with their own and other people's privates. They're just being photographed at it. Now, people who get a voyeuristic charge out of watching them, like me, I guess, well, we've got some grip-on-reality problems. There's maybe 1% of all pornography that has any effect on me, and it's definitely not a turn-on very often. But when it is, and it's as weird as this, it's pretty hard to take.


Further elaboration on Albini's friendship with Sotos and his own child pornography conviction:

Sotos defending his distribution of child pornography in court, stating "child abuse is a sublime pleasure:

Albini praising Sotos' "art" and his friendship with the convicted child pornographer:

Albini also helped Sotos produce Buyers Market, a unauthorized collection of court testimonies and police interviews from child rape victims.

TL;DR - Steve Albini is a pedophile who has twice admitted to owning and enjoying child pornography. He is also close friends with Peter Sotos of White House, a convicted child pornographer who published child porn zines in the 80s and makes "art" about child rape.

  • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Mainly because it seems unbelievable to me that a well known person could openly say they like child pornography and nothing bad happens to them, I looked into it a bit more and it seems like he wrote a lot of stuff just like this to be shocking. And now says he regrets a lot of that stuff. But he also was associating himself with Sotos and apparently knew perfectly well what Sotos was because it was public record at that point, so I'm leaning towards wall.

    • thisonethatone [he/him]
      1 year ago

      There is edgy, and then there is... that abomination of a quote.

      It speaks to a profound lack of empathy. To him, the suffering of the most vulnerable is valid entertainment. He, like Sotos, feels entitled to this """entertainment""" It speaks a lot to his lack of boundaries and respect for other people.

      He reminds me of that musician that abused a baby imo.

      • adultswim_antifa [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Yeah I don't want to say it's okay if he was just joking, because it's not at all okay. But he produced a lot of records I love and that goes down a little easier if he's just a piece of shit but not a pedophile himself. But it looks pretty bad to me because of his relationship and work with Sotos.