My megaproject ideas are mostly pretty standard. I'd build a high speed rail network across North America, and build and expand metro and regional rail systems in and around every city. I'd turn all cities and suburbs into fifteen-minute cities. I'd decommodify housing, and build ten million units of public/social/non-market housing, mostly three bedroom units. I'd link those last three policies together by building TODs around the new Metro and rail stops. And I'd build bicycle networks in every town and city and connect them to the TODs. I'd build bridges and walkways across skyscrapers. I'd put a bidet in every American toilet (uses less water than toilet paper apart from being more comfortable). Fiber internet in every home. A heat pump in every home. An induction stove in every kitchen. Phase out fossil fuels and power everything with Pumped Storage Hydropower and Geothermal. I'd make the US go Metric.

But my truly crazy, obsessive idea would be to bring back the French Revolutionary calendar. Or I'd purge all French influences from English.

  • Mardoniush [she/her]
    1 year ago

    I'd pour massive amounts of money into arguably crank Bazinga ideas like Life Extension and proper Nanotech. I'd ban all cars and replace with public transport. Thorium power plants in every house! SPAAAAAAAACCCEEEE!

    I'd make massive urban farming and gardening projects regardless of economic viability.

    I also have Gaddafi-grade western fashion revival ideas. You will have to dress up for all evening events and no a Tuxedo is not gonna cut it. if you want a vision of the future it's an 1700s dance slipper brushing a human face lightly, forever.

    I am also for the French Revolutionary calendar. Happy Basil Day!

    • Owl [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Please repeal the great male renunciation while you're at it.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      Life extension is a lot less crank stuff if you look at it as a gradual process with countless stops on the long road to biological immortality. Like fussing with some genes to reduce the incidence of prostate cancers or preventing/reversing immune system degradation in old age are a lot less /r/ futorology than magic live forever machines, but they're steps on a road to biological immortality and they're probably achievable with tech we have now given sufficient time and resources.