Can’t stop thinking about this in the context of tech. Of course technological advances are a good thing, but isn’t there a point where progress for the sake of progress stifles any productive use? Who exactly is benefiting here? A decade or so ago, I was still able to communicate how I’m communicating now, but things have gotten substantially worse.

I’m looking at the state of the internet and can’t help but look at how every algorithmic breakthrough has just been used to gather data for marketing purposes or targeted advertisements. Lmao and I don’t even know how you can consider that progress to be honest.

The wildest part about this is that you don’t even need to be a leftist to agree. Everyone hates targeted ads and marketing bullshit besides people who make money in marketing and advertisement.

  • Hohsia [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Why couldn’t 🌐 heads have been given more swirlies in high school :(