• CriticalResist8 [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Since it's dialectics-posting time on hexbear, perhaps I can offer this primer


    • HornyOnMain
      11 months ago

      Time to finally properly learn what dialectical materialism is beyond a vague understanding that it's when there's a fox and the rabbit and then there's just a fox but it has a full belly now


      • CriticalResist8 [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Disclaimer: I'm not super happy with that page as it's part of a bigger network of pages like contradiction, dialectics, materialism, etc. We decided to give every concept their own page ultimately (and naturally due to how wikis work) so that it cuts down on size, but it also disseminates information and you have to go look for it. Don't hesitate to click on the blue links when you come across them.

        there's a fox and the rabbit and then there's just a fox but it has a full belly now

        The rabbit and fox form a contradiction; the fox wants to eat the rabbit, but the rabbit doesn't want to be eaten; they are diametrically opposed. Yet one cannot exist without the other, the fox would die if it didn't eat the rabbit, and as the fox eats rabbits, it keeps the population in check and prevents an ecological collapse of the rabbit population. When the fox eats the rabbit, the contradiction is resolved and another one appears. This is often misconstrued as "thesis-antithesis-synthesis". Put enough contradictions together and you have dialectics happen

        • HornyOnMain
          11 months ago

          I'll listen to it ASAP rat-salute-2