The original Degrassi junior high (1987) theme song


Wake up in the morning, Feeling shy and lonely, Gee, I gotta go to school. I don't think I can make it, Don't think I can take it, I wonder what I'm gonna do! But when I look around, I see, That someone's smiling, right at me. Wait! That someone’s talkin' to me. Hey, I got a new friend. Everybody can succeed, All you need is to believe, And be honest with yourself, Forget your fears and doubts. Come on give us a try, At Degrassi Junior High!

The original Degrassi kids are comrades. Their rising call for solidarity ( "everybody can succeed [at once]") echoes Debs' Statement to the Court Upon Being Convicted of Violating the Sedition Act: that none can succeed without the others; for one to fail is for all a failure

The updated Degrassi Next Generation (2001) theme song


Whatever it takes, I know I can make it through If I hold out, I know I can make it through Be the best (Be the best I can, and I say to you) Whatever it takes (I know I can make it) I know I can make it I know I can make it through---

The children of Degrassi The Next Generation are fully neoliberal subjects at the End of History. They cannot envision their own collective future, each desiring only that they alone "make it though" by "holding out" and being "the best", i.e. dominating the free market of childhood using "whatever it takes", i.e. through unequal exchange

Also how did they get away with that title warf-wtf

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    1 year ago

    I LEARNED WHAT TRANS PEOPLE WERE from this show in a way that made me feel deep empathy and immediately get it. Becky being the close minded transphobe and being give patience and eventually dating and being the best couple in the show with adam was really impactful as I was a tiny zelot. I also learned about condoms, periods, the female orgasm and sexual desire, WEED. and so many other things the adults in my life would never have me know. i used to watch the show with the door in my room cracked and one finger on the back button on the remote to switch to Disney channel. also my gods was that show horny. like inappropriately horny I mean it kept us watching but god. I really thought Canada was this liberal land where everyone was horny and progressive and queer.