• @Bernie2028@midwest.social
    11 months ago

    Pushing for stronger ties:

    The AfD has positioned itself in opposition to the German government's critical policy toward China [....] "attempt to implement green-woke ideology and US geopolitical interests under the guise of a strategy for German foreign policy"

    For AfD, human rights criticism 'totally irrelevant'

    Geopolitically, said Schroeder, the AfD sees the traditional Western ties with the United States, which it regards as hegemonic, as having past their use-by date.

    AfD 'understands, accepts Chinese way of governing'

    Frankly, the only difference between the fascist AfD and the fascist CCP is the AfD claims to support democracy and rule of law.

    • brain_in_a_box [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I am once again asking liberals to learn that fascism doesn't mean "something I don't like"

    • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      I understand that the AfD wants closer ties with China. But there is no evidence that the Chinese gov wants closer ties with AfD, where do you think you're getting that from?

        • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
          11 months ago

          who made the invitation? who did they meet with? you have now idea, the person who wrote this article has no idea

            • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
              11 months ago

              oh that answers the question then I'm sure theres absolutely no ambiguity in the term "officials" the article doesn't even say if they're government officials or business officials or sports officials

              edit: it doesn't even call them "Chinese officials" it just says that the party "traveled to China — on an official invitation" wtf does that mean it could mean a lot of things and we still have no idea who sent the official invitation

              • @Bernie2028@midwest.social
                11 months ago

                LMFAO the cope.

                After returning from China, party head Weidel announced that she wanted to keep the lines of communication with Beijing open.

                Totally talking about sports here.