That's it. Our instance requires us to stop responding if you explicitly ask us to. It's right here buried in our Code of Conduct

Any discussions may be opted out of by disengaging.

In the past, this rule has only applied to the specific user you say it to. I'd like to suggest going forward that if someone on another instance uses it, we treat it as applying to all of us.

Unfortunately this rule wasn't communicated clearly before, so I'm making this post for visibility.

Edit: As the comments clarify, this has to be done in good faith, typically just a one word "disengage" comment. If you add more stuff to the discussion and then say "disengage" at the end, you're not disengaging, it's a way to put a stop to a toxic argument not to get the last word in.

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    1 year ago

    This is the dumbest fucking shit. Been here since day one first time I'm hearing about this rule.

    Closest I remember is some member a couple of years ago was melting down in a thread and posting up a storm ending all their comments with "Disengage!" phrased as an imperative and we dunked on them for a couple of days and then I totally forgot about it.

    I'm of the opinion that anyone is free to disengage from any conversation by putting their fucking phone down and spending some time with real people or reading a book. Trying to get the last word and then ordering someone else to disengage is ridiculous, and this is a ridiculous rule that honestly I cannot imagine following.

    Obviously if someone said, as I have, something like "look this exchange is really getting to me emotionally and I need to just step away from this, have a good night comrade" that's of course a different story, but everyone here is pretty caring I can't see why we'd need a magic word.

    • Zuzak [fae/faer, she/her]
      1 year ago

      Tough break, them's the rules.

      If someone's interpreting everything I saw in the worst possible way, and if I'm also upset, I'd rather have a simple one word exit button rather than have to craft a whole explanation and hope that there's no way to interpret as adding something else that would legitimize a response.