I work at a non profit and we just won union recognition and are slowly moving towards first contract negotiations and I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING. Would love to chat with some folks about their experiences, especially if you've negotiated around contracts/grants/etc.

  • glans [it/its]
    1 year ago

    won 98 percent of the vote.

    In my union we still have 2 employees who refuse to talk about it

    Is your unit 100 people? If so at least you know exactly who is on side.

    If it's less than 100 people, 1 of the 2 is full of shit I guess?

    • ratboy [they/them]
      1 year ago

      Lol I'm bad at math. It was more like 93-96 percent depending on how many employees we had at the time. We've had so much turnover we can't even keep track