I'd have assumed, even as insufferable liberals, that they'd be diverse enough to at least argue with some variety from one federated liberal to another, but so far not seeing much of that.

It's weird shit too, like the preoccupation with passive-aggressively saying "kindly" while insulting people too left for them. I've seen it from three different federated liberals today, alone. Is it some kind of "BioShock had such le epic quotable lines and the blue curtains were awesome, dae 'would you kindly'" thing?

  • mayo_cider [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I usually respond once in good faith (if someone didn't already), and move on to dunking and ppb if they don't respond in kind

    • NewLeaf
      1 year ago

      Those seem like fair rules of engagement. I feel like we should try to reach them first, but if they get all smarmy, it's open season. This is the only place on the Internet where we can actually slap that shit down without getting immediately banned.