Not reasonable, perhaps, but theoretically understandable. The escalating price of just about everything implies an increase in value that, in most cases, is not delivered. So some folks simply create their own perks — giving vent to rage or breaking traditional rules of social conduct (i.e., doing whatever the hell they want.)

If you feel you are paying VIP prices, you may well expect to be treated like a VIP.

  • dat_math [they/them]
    10 months ago

    Media was still pushing a "flatten the curve" narrative until then.

    I know several recent public health graduates for whom the transition away from this and more broadly away from other mitigating policies was a radicalizing moment

    • JoeByeThen [he/him, they/them]
      10 months ago

      Yeah, I've gotten a couple of short-lived sparks to pop up in people's eyes when I've asked them when's the last time they saw the news encouraging the flattening of the curve, but nothing's ever caught fire. That was a while ago tho. I'm not even sure they remember that happened tbh. The lockdown and masking periods have been largely rewritten as failures among the populace, it feels like.