The world chess federation FIDE recently made the incredibly transphobic and mysogynist ruling to exclude trans women from competing in women's tournaments, to strip trans men of pre-transition titles and to subject trans people to a two-year long surveilance process that could lead to forced outings. The German and French chess federation have now decided to ignore this ruling. Source in German (mostly with the info from the image):

    • LeZero [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Such a loser take, Kasparov's job was to move plastic bits on a board, not to be a fighter or an artist lmao

      The cope is unreal, you need to be good at memorization for chess and that's mostly it

      • Venus [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Its really not just memorization, there is a lot of creativity and mind games involved at playing at the top level. If it just came down to memorizing stuff computers which play at the same level as top level chess players and top level chess players themselves would play the same way, but they don't. Computer moves are very obvious.

          • Venus [she/her]
            1 year ago

            Sure, you memorize openings, but it's nowhere near as superhuman as it sounds. It's like memorizing different routes to your workplace. Go down the roads often enough and you know where to turn.