The few conversations I've had there have been unproductive and inflammatory. While even in other instances when I've said something someone disagreed with they would at least support their statement. Also no one would tell me why the "Confused Unga Bunga" meme is racist but they keep accusing me of it. I'm all for open discussions but even the comments there are so angry and toxic.

Edit: I'm reading every comment and taking everything people said and considering all sides. My stance on the phrase has changed but I am still hesitant about giving hexbear a chance. I'll sleep on it though.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It has more lasting relevance than your "my wholesome freeze-gamer buddies totally were just talking about a caveman video game from the 90s that never actually says Unga Bunga in it" claims.

    EDIT: Seems a 90s video game may have had a racist dogwhistle in it. Which absolves all uses of a racist utterance forever and ever!

      10 months ago

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        Looks like you lied, again.

        You didn't block this instance if you're still scrambling to cover your ass.

          10 months ago

          I can't with my app on mobile(unless it's a recent)☠️ I've just been manually blocking each community as I see them. Being wrong is not the same as lying.

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            10 months ago

            You can be wrong and lie in alternating fashion, and that's what you've done here so far.

            Go away already.

              10 months ago

              I showed you where in the game he said it, and didn't change anything I said though, not counting editing my original comment. I'm willing to no longer use the phrase I just couldn't stand you jumping on me with buzzwords and accusations. I do try to be a decent human, but I'm just some internet stranger to you. I was genuinely confused wanted help understanding it and you just dogpiled me.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                10 months ago

                It was a racist utterance from way before that and your pretenses of innocent wholesome smol bean gamerness run awfully thin if that's what the entirety of your case to keep uttering it comes from.

                Again, you haven't blocked this instance yet. And you should.

                  10 months ago

                  Uhh, I'm trying to apologize and grow from this, I'm explaining my position and where the statement came from, not justifying it. I needed you to know where I came and I wanted to know where you came from so we could reach an understanding. I can't block instances in voyager. At least I tried.

                  • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                    10 months ago

                    if you're legit and you want to grow and reflect, from now on in this thread, only ask questions and do not argue, digest what you read and learn for a while, and then you can argue like, tomorrow or whenever, if you still want to. anything else would be reactive and unhelpful for your growth, and likely result in you digging in and growing stubborn on the issue

                    For real, this is not going to be healthy if you keep posting at this rate, if you're being genuine

                    I was replying to your reply in another thread and thought Id check your post history only to see youre in like 5 interactions at once, thats now how you self crit or reflect chief

                    • RoomAndBored
                      9 months ago

                      deleted by creator

                      10 months ago

                      You may be right, I just felt the strong need to defend my reasoning. I'm just trying to learn and I'm reading every comment and considering my response and even went back and changed some of my statements that looking back are dumb.

                      • AOCapitulator [they/them]
                        10 months ago

                        You don't have to fix everything right this second, in fact trying to is likely to break everything worse. If you really do reflect and grow here, you will be welcomed and encouraged, but not if you go down swinging on a hill you "felt a strong need to defend". I am not saying that in any way disparagingly, I've been there. You may not be wrong for feeling this way, but acting on it may very well be a mistake in retrospect

                        If you decide to take my advice, edit your post here to say: I've been given a lot to reflect on, I'm going to disengage and do that" or similar (include the word disengage though) and then no one will pile on, and may even reach out