Well, let's start off with the trucker convoy style Canadians attacking and stealing from firefighters, that's directly affecting me

My own damn mom is talking about directed energy weapons re: Maui. People should be talking about single occupant vehicles. I had to go to Zhao Dashuai's Twitter and show her China's war of the worlds style lazers, how short the range is. They don't look like star wars! She used to know this crap! She's not even old dude!

Can you guys please reply to this with all the crazy tiktok and elon disinformation crap so I know what to expect? I'm scared lmao

  • SerLava [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The fucking space laser thing is so fucking mind boggling to me. We all grew up knowing a cigarette butt could start a wildfire when it's dry! That has been shared knowledge for the entire lives of everyone alive.

    If the Chinese wanted to start a wildfire for ????reasons???? they could send a single tourist with a bic lighter. But no, fictional fucking space lasers. What the fuck?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The nazis used to talk about how big lies were easier to believe than little lies.

    • Pointman [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The tripartite physics deboonk here is kid stuff.


      Literal physical meteors, shit from the sun & all over the universe deflects off the atmosphere.

      There's no way to get enough energy up there to power something like that. You would need a huge nuclear space station I bet that's still off by orders of magnitude.