At least quarantine that shit to the dunk tank.

I'm not on hexbear to spend all my time thinking about libs lol, I'm on hexbear because I like hexbear. I like the riffs, and the topics, and the cool knowledgeable users who post stuff I would never see otherwise. I've learned a ton here over the years, and it really feels like a wholly unique space on the internet.

  • MaoTheLawn [any, any]
    10 months ago

    I agree. It's too easy. Some of them are funny but for the most part I wish my front page would return to interesting news and left wing hot takes.

    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      10 months ago

      I could try to kickstart the machines in the hot take factory again.

      One sec:

      Heartbeat is low-key fascistic with its emphasis on a prelapsarian view of "the good old days", likewise for Happy Days and any other TV show set in or around the 60's.

      Was that hot enough? If not I could pick another British drama/sitcom that no one cares about to call fascist.