The controversial construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) gained national and international attention when the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers accepted an application filed by Energy Transfer Partners, a Texas-based developer behind the project.

The position of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is that the Dakota Access Pipeline violates Article II of the Fort Laramie Treaty, which guarantees the "undisturbed use and occupation" of reservation lands surrounding the proposed location of the pipeline. In 2015 the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, operating as a sovereign nation , passed a resolution regarding the pipeline stating that "the Dakota Access Pipeline poses a serious risk to the very survival of our Tribe and ... would destroy valuable cultural resources."

To generate momentum for their cause and demonstrate their opposition to the pipeline, the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe organized runs, horseback rides, and marches. Many Native Nations, along with non-Native allies, celebrities, and several politicians supported the movement and travelled to join DAPL protesters at the Sacred Stone Camp on the Standing Rock Reservation. Conditions at the camp became intense. North Dakota law enforcement officials and private guards hired by Energy Transfer Partners clashed with protestors, sometimes violently, and made hundreds of arrests.

On September 3rd, 2016, the Dakota Access Pipeline company used bulldozers to dig up part of the pipeline route that contained possible Native graves and burial artifacts; the land was subject to a pending legal injunction.

Protesters stormed the land and were attacked by a private security firm, armed with attack dogs and pepper spray.

The battle over the Dakota Access Pipeline, explained vox

Standing Rock and the Dakota Access Pipeline: Native American Perspectives: Background: Historical and Current

Dakota Access Pipeline Company Attacks Native American Protesters with Dogs & Pepper Spray

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have all of you a good day/night meow-coffee

  • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
    1 year ago

    CW: poly drama.


    I have dated a monogamous girl. This is crashing and burning because she has monogamous emotions about me. I foolishly though telling her I was poly and just so very communist was enough to establish that I am not "fixable." Realistically though this is my fault. As she is very mad at me, it is hard to apologize and work on a way to fix this. My nesting partner has told me I am and idiot and frankly I have to agree.

    • asa_red_heathen [he/him]
      1 year ago

      You arent responsible for someone elses emotions. You can hardly be blamed for her inability to accept the situation if you were up front about your feelings.

      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Part of me feels like I am the one who spent the time to read theory so the power balance is on me to be a good partner. Given how poorly this is going I kinda don't trust my judgment so that is a difficult emotion to process

        • asa_red_heathen [he/him]
          1 year ago

          There isnt a power imbalance here just because you're more in touch with your emotions and have read more. Every person is responsible for their own feelings. We may not be able to control how we feel in some cases, but we can control how we act based on those feelings.

          Remember that taking responsibility for someone elses actions can also deny their autonomy. You dont control this woman, you have to accept that her choices and feelings are her choices and feelings, not something you gave to her. If your actions were in error then you should take responsibility for those actions, not her reaction to them.

          • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
            1 year ago

            That is a valuable critique, thank you comrade. I am conflicted because I feel like I haven't fucked up in in this way before and I keep trying to use the poly skills I have developed. Having them be completely ineffective has me feeling fucked up.

            • asa_red_heathen [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Im glad I didnt come off scoldy, it kinda felt that way as I was writing it.

              Anway sometimes you just gotta accept that sometimes stuff gets fucked even if its no ones fault, and you cant really do anything about it but move on. Shit sucks, but hey, thats life sometimes.

    • milistanaccount09 [she/her]
      1 year ago

      If someone is having monogamous thoughts about you that's probably just not something you have any way to remedy. I've been in a similar situation before and it ended with a lot of fanfare and fire, so I honestly think things Going To Shit is to be expected in this situation. Sometimes you try to date someone who isn't compatible with you and your needs (and/or vice versa) and the relationship just won't work out. Either way though, things will cool down eventually heart-sickle

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      Monogamous person here. If you were upfront about being poly and they still attempted to treat you like a monogamous partner then you've done nothing wrong. I personally don't think I'd have even attempted something with a person who says they're poly as I know myself enough to understand that I'd be having all those feelings you describe.

    • bumblebeehellbringer [fae/faer, they/them]
      1 year ago

      I say this as a poly person. If you're poly, don't date monogamous people. Dating people you know you are incompatible with is a recipe for disaster. Don't date people you know you will end up just hurting when your incompatible relationship needs come to a head. As a poly person, it's on you to do the reading and emotional work around the ethics of being a poly person. A monogamous person isn't going to know what they are getting into. They're not going to even know what to look up, what to research, what ethics to apply. In poly, there are ethics that go beyond those required for an ethical monogamous relationship, and it's on poly people to do the research and emotional work, and conduct themselves in ways that aren't going to unnecessarily hurt people. Monogamous people aren't going to know that stuff by default and it's unreasonable to expect a monogamous person to immediately be able to grasp the ins and outs of poly relationships and ethics, or the even more complicated ethics of cross poly/monogamous relationships. Remember, there is more to ethics in poly than consent. Just because an adult agrees to be with you doesn't mean it's ethical for you be with them. You know better. Do better. Raise your standards for yourself. Do the work. It takes effort to behave with emotional maturity and ethics, but until you do you'll make life a living hell those closest to you. Life is short and full of pain, but we can do our best to not hurt each other unnecessarily and it's worth investing in. I might come across as harsh, but I mean all this with love. I want the best for you and everyone you date. And you have fucked up, and you do need to raise your standards for yourself. Learn from this, and come out of it a better person, a better partner, a better comrade.

      • UnicodeHamSic [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Yeah, you are right of course. The four of us had doubble dated so I assumed she was interested in exploring these situations. Which given how things have gone I was wrong and let some infatuation cloud my judgment. I appreciate the perspective thank you