EDIT: no, I don't sympathize with nazis (neither I sympathize with those who call everyone nazi when they're losing an argument ;)

  • Adkml [he/him]
    10 months ago

    Boy calling us nazis to saying non binary people just have a mental illness in one fucking comment.

    You libs really fucking love telling on yourself.

    • frosch@lemm.ee
      10 months ago

      Never said that non binary people are mentally ill. But this kind of uncharitable reading is common with your hexbear assholes and reason enough for the rest of Lemmy to defederate from you.

      Also, oh no -- I'm a "lib." So I'm the same thing that 99.99999999% of Western people are. How horrible, how damning, however shall I live with myself now that some shut-in 22-year-old called me a lib. Get a grip.

      • ToxicDivinity [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        But this kind of uncharitable reading is common with your hexbear assholes

        some shut-in 22-year-old called me a lib

        Commienazi troll instances (hexbear, lemmygrad)

        You literally called us Nazis in your top level comment you fucking moron.