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  • GarbageShoot [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It really never gives you pause to argue identically to neoliberal slime, does it?

      10 months ago

      We homies don't argue. Don't try capitalist culture war label tricks here

      There's a time and place for debates elsewhere when participants consent. Meme post threads? Nah fam

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I know you're just doing verbal diarrhea, but framing it as a "capitalist trick" when yours is the side with neoliberals is, uh, something. I'm not saying you should argue with them, no need to bother imo, I'm saying you should consider where your shitty ideology has gotten you that it puts you on the same side as the overwhelming neoliberal consensus. I forget what boutique brand of socialist you pretend to be but, whatever it is, it is the epitome of anarcho-bidenism when it leads you to side with neoliberals against "tankies".

      • Grimble [he/him,they/them]
        10 months ago

        You learned to talk like us and that's the full extent of it. We're not "homies" lol - my first and only impression of you is a shady internet chameleon who tries to trick people into ancient recycled neoliberal beliefs but from a "new perspective" we've also heard before. I can tell what you might look/sound like in person, sure, but you give us no reasons to get along