• WayeeCool [comrade/them]
    10 months ago

    Funniest thing would be Elon Musk getting himself Robert Maxwell'd. Dumbass has his businesses deep enough into national security contracting for the US government, Musk is foreign born, and he is exhibiting all the behaviors that make him into a liability. He knows that he is too rich and influential to ever be arrested for anything he does but he doesn't understand that there are other options available for liabilities to national security. It's funny and sad that even Musk's own father is aware of this reality but Elon is too Silicon Valley out-of-touch to realize that you don't act like a liability while working in that sector of the US if you don't want to get extra judicially killed because you are too rich to arrest.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      10 months ago

      Doesn't his dad hate him and vice versa ever since musk senior started fucking his stepdaughter or something?

      Maybe just because it's the funniest possible interpretation but I read it in more of a "sure would be a shame if that happened" kinda tone

    • YouKnowIt [he/him]
      10 months ago

      It'd be so easy too, he's known for drug abuse so you just have to slip him some fent and blame a tainted batch of ketamine or whatever. Just read the first part of the article, before it starts getting into a biography and started boring me. He must be the dumbest man alive, he was providing the coms backbone for our proxy war for free?