• barrbaric [he/him]
    10 months ago

    They had a chance with the Tau but then went full gommulist mind control and sterilization of humans. I'd argue the Eldar are still probably better since they more or less have FALGSC, and them not caring about the lives of the xenocidal fascists doesn't make them evil, it makes them correct.

    • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
      10 months ago

      I have a soft spot for the Orks. Yes, they’re brutal and violent, seemingly without much reason, but I think they’re just vibing with the senseless brutality of the rest of the galaxy. If everyone else was more chill I bet the Orks would be hanging out, partying, fixing up machines for fun, building skateparks and rollercoasters, that sort of thing. They seem like they have the least amount of overt malice or ambition for power. They’re in it for love of the game, and I think there’s an argument that that makes them the least worst out of all of them.

    • Comp4 [she/her]
      10 months ago

      One. The Eldar do have a superior society than the Imperium of man so I agree on that front.

      On the other hand even with some of the darker aspects the T´au as a faction are still a much better society than the IoM with a focus on collectivism and unity. Like being a human auxillary/civilian on a T´au controlled world is vastly superior to living in the hellhole that is the IoM.

      • Leon_Grotsky [comrade/them]
        10 months ago

        This concept was introduced after fans complained that the initial T'au codex described the T'au in too much of a positive light, and that they were too "good" for the grim, dark Warhammer 40,000 universe. This also led to the introduction of the Vespid Communion Helms, which have a much clearer Orwellian feel that the Vespid are being directly manipulated by the T'au thanks to the helmets that are supposedly for "communication purposes."

        Very cool of you james workshop

        I originally thought the caste system was "problematic" enough to leave the Tau as visibly "Better" but still with hangups but they had to go and do it to 'em anyway.

        • Comp4 [she/her]
          10 months ago

          The T´au allow humans freedom of faith btw. There are humans in the Tau Empire that still worship the God Emperor (if in a less zealous manner) that also follow the greater good.