We've got a bunch of new people now so let's bring back a classic post. What low stakes conspiracy theory do you believe that you cannot prove but feels right to you?

I'll start: I believe that dating apps have made a concerted effort to smear in person meeting people and tie it to being "creepy" through social media so you are forced to meet people online(which was the creepy option just 15 years ago)

  • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    10 months ago


    Companies intentionally make it hard to find the balance on a gift card so you forget to apply the remain balance. Saving them billions for free. Even it's just like $3 or whatever, that's three dollars worth of dollars. It's your $3, use it.


    • SootySootySoot [any]
      10 months ago

      Agreed, but it also works both ways. If you think your card has 50 dollars but it only has three, you go and buy 55 dollar item and have to give 'em a ton of money without first realising.

      • LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
        10 months ago

        The gift card conspiracy has depths beyond our understanding. A gift card or should i say GRIFT CARD!?! It's a pyramid that extends up and down, it's a card balance without beginning or end.

        This is what they don't want us to know. 👁️🔼

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      10 months ago

      This is explicitly the logic behind gift cards. Like this is explicitly why the exist and what they're designed to do. Companies make vast, vast amounts of money on gift cards that are purchased and not redeemed or not completely redeemed. If anything, I'd say the conspiracy part is the idea that it's somehow rude or gauche to send cash. Fuck that, 1.) No I do not want to be locked in to getting a stomach illness at Chili's, and 2 please do send me cash I love cash cash is great.