Too real. sweat

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    10 months ago

    "Whimsical and uncommitted" can still nod along to good and even lawful vibes when it's to avoid getting into undue trouble. Players that just want a license to knock things over and see how much "shock value" they get from stabbing random people are just playing evil without the courage to admit it.

    If you have played Baldur's Gate 3, Asterion is arguably chaotic neutral leaning on evil, and even he can (with some sulking and complaining) do the heroic thing.

    • KnilAdlez [none/use name]
      10 months ago

      Well, I definitely don't play it evil. The character is a pirate, which I feel like any pirate would be neutral to the law. I keep the chaos to just saying random shit and touching things without making an investigate check. I'll be the first to suggest to the group that we should kill someone, but I'd never act without consensus. I hope that it's goofy and fun while still enjoyable for the rest of the group to be around. Ngl I worry about it a lot, but the character does get a lot of laughs so I'm taking that as a good sign.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        10 months ago

        I keep the chaos to just saying random shit and touching things without making an investigate check.

        That just sounds like a good time; a good DM will use that as a source of fun plot complications (whether that's fun for the players is subjective). :sickoDM:

      • FourteenEyes [he/him]
        10 months ago

        "Chaotic" refers to the locus of morality, not random behavior. It's an inherent distrust of rigid, structured authority, closer to the animus of anarchy than just being random. It makes perfect sense for a pirate's alignment; they'd be used to putting their trust in a captain because the captain won that trust, not because he was appointed by an even higher unelected authority figure.

        If anything, follow the rule that your character is loyal to the group and does what's best for the group. Or crew, as they may conceptualize it. You'll be fine. Remember that the goal of playing D&D is to have a good time.