The obvious: Chapo, TrueAnon, Trillbillies, WTYP, Blowback, Citations Needed
Chapo + making fun of stupid startups. Alice from is on it.
The Worst of All Possible Worlds
Case studies in the pop culture of a dying empire. They talk a lot about musicals and evangelical Christianity but could cover pretty much anything. For Patreon they do a series listening to Adventures in Odyssey, an evangelical children’s radio show that is absolutely horrifying.
The Dollop
Comedy show about American history, not explicitly leftist but the two hosts are leftists of some description and aren’t shy about it. Great for exposing your shitty uncle to good things by starting him on an episode like 323 - 1908 New York to Paris Car Race.
The West Wing Thing (now over)
Dave from The Dollop and another guy watch and discuss every episode of The West Wing and get very angry about it, I've never seen the show and the podcast is great.
The Audit
West Wing Thing hosts watch things like George W Bush's Masterclass so you dont have to.
A More Civilized Age
Leftist review of Star Wars The Clone Wars, moved on to Rebels but has paused that because of the strikes, and is instead discussing KOTOR now.
We're Not So Different
Podcast about Medieval history with Dr Eleanor Janega who was just on one of the Hell on Earth appendix episodes
SciShow Tangents
Science quiz show by Hank Green
Comedy(ish?) quiz show by Tom Scott. If you've seen the BBC show QI, its exactly the same thing.
Also a few short series I’ve listened to, very much the same vein as Blowback:
Alphabet Boys
Investigates the FBI’s infiltration of civil rights groups in Denver in 2020. I just found out looking it up that it had a second season a couple months ago.
Santiago Boys
A look back at Salvador Allende and project CyberSyn
The obvious: Chapo, TrueAnon, Trillbillies, WTYP, Blowback, Citations Needed
Chapo + making fun of stupid startups. Alice from is on it.
The Worst of All Possible Worlds
Case studies in the pop culture of a dying empire. They talk a lot about musicals and evangelical Christianity but could cover pretty much anything. For Patreon they do a series listening to Adventures in Odyssey, an evangelical children’s radio show that is absolutely horrifying.
The Dollop
Comedy show about American history, not explicitly leftist but the two hosts are leftists of some description and aren’t shy about it. Great for exposing your shitty uncle to good things by starting him on an episode like 323 - 1908 New York to Paris Car Race.
The West Wing Thing (now over)
Dave from The Dollop and another guy watch and discuss every episode of The West Wing and get very angry about it, I've never seen the show and the podcast is great.
The Audit
West Wing Thing hosts watch things like George W Bush's Masterclass so you dont have to.
A More Civilized Age
Leftist review of Star Wars The Clone Wars, moved on to Rebels but has paused that because of the strikes, and is instead discussing KOTOR now.
We're Not So Different
Podcast about Medieval history with Dr Eleanor Janega who was just on one of the Hell on Earth appendix episodes
SciShow Tangents
Science quiz show by Hank Green
Comedy(ish?) quiz show by Tom Scott. If you've seen the BBC show QI, its exactly the same thing.
Also a few short series I’ve listened to, very much the same vein as Blowback:
Alphabet Boys
Investigates the FBI’s infiltration of civil rights groups in Denver in 2020. I just found out looking it up that it had a second season a couple months ago.
Santiago Boys
A look back at Salvador Allende and project CyberSyn
Operation Midnight Climax
MKUltra stuff