Hey Swoletariat


I’m looking into incorporating dynamic stretching as a warmup before lifting my weights. Currently my warmup is honestly horrid as it consists of only my main compound lift. I’m currently doing a StrongLifts 5x5 3 week split as I only have acess to a barbell and weightplates, but I’m looking into switching to PPL once I get some adjustable dumbells.

Anyways I’ve noticed that as my lifts get heavier my performance degrades and a big culprit of that I believe is the inadequate warmup. I want to get a warmup routine going and I know in the past dynamic stretching has worked for me.

So I come to you for some help; does anyone have any recommendations or plan for a dynamic stretching routine I can adopt into my warmup session pre-lifting?

  • erik [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I've really only done programs that put the dynamic stretching at the end. Something about muscles being warmed up and loose is supposed to work better with them. But I haven't actually seen any science or studies to back this up, so could just be gym bro logic.

    I usually do a synovial fluid warm-up and find that works pretty well based on this one from Joe Daniels'. He says it's for kettlebells, but I think any compound lifting benefits from it based on my experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHxH2SSqKro and some shoulder CARs. This all about movement warming up rather than worrying about flexibility, getting the joints ready for what's coming.

    I save flexibility and dynamic stretching for the cooldown, personally. And you don't have to hit it too hard, there's a pretty big point of diminishing returns on flexibility in my opinion, unless you're going for like being a gymnast or other sport that needs just an incredible amount of flexibility.