North Korea has also taken steps to strengthen the so-called "free economic zones", the "market", where the Workers' Party of Korea for several years has rejected Marxism-Leninism, promotes the idealistic theory "Juche", talks about "Kimilsugism - Kimgyongilism", violating every concept of socialist democracy, workers' people's control, within a regime of nepotism.

  • geikei [none/use name]
    8 months ago

    Nah they just , by some weird twists and turns and historical context, have arived in basicaly an ultra left/maoist/heavy leftcom analysis of a bunch of international issues including China. Extremely weird cause they are equaly anti-maoist/ anti-leftcom. It just some brainworms thats very hard to explain. The party still has more positives and wins to show than almost any other communist party in the west in modern times , which of course doesnt say much. If it was run by sellouts they had plenty chances to go eurocommunist through the decades

      8 months ago

      have arived in basicaly an ultra left/maoist/heavy leftcom analysis of a bunch of international issues including China.

      Sp left-deviationist instead of right-deviationist, just as dangerous.