
  • reaper_cushions [he/him,comrade/them]
    9 months ago

    Are you rooting for the AfD to come to power? As a Central Asian living in Germany, the rise of a literal Nazi party fucking frightens me and should frighten anyone.

      9 months ago

      Nobody here is rooting for that, we're just saying that is going to be the inevitable result if the mainstream parties continue down the path they are today, destroying Germany's economy with self-harming sanctions and continuing to increasingly involve Germany in a war with Russia. Many Germans will start to look at the AfD as the only option to stop this insanity. It is up to the left to put up an alternative of our own, and for now the only person who seems to be trying to do something like that is Sahra Wagenknecht, and to put it mildly let's say she has some dubious positions on certain issues...

      9 months ago

      I personally support Die linke but hey libs think they are secret stasi from DDR. , also they are not very principled on anti NATO , anti US stance.