Untraceable currency to circumvent the great shaytan’s sanction regime? Based.
Untraceable currency to circumvent the great shaytan’s sanction regime? Based.
Competently run state not afraid of incompetent, senile, hostile idiot. More at 11.
Did we just witness the birth of a new site tagline?
Nah, that’s how he should have died. He actually died of an aneurysm.
Man, I wonder whether this includes teaching how the 10^8 death figure was conceived.
I mean, part of that is the physical fitness required to survive a rocket launch, which he certainly lacks.
Alpha radiation (the type emitted by super heavy nuclei like uranium, basically just helium nuclei being emitted) has very low penetration depth compared to beta radiation (electrons, positrons, some accompanying photons) because the emitted particle is absorbed by the upper epidermic layers due to the sheer size of the emitted particle. Those layers of skin are shed on a regular basis anyway, so most corruptions end up being entirely irrelevant. However, alpha radiation tends to be highly energised and thus will deal substantial damage to any tissue that cannot simply be discarded, thus is highly dangerous when ingested or inhaled.
Yeah, I am paid according to a collective agreement. And in the position I’m in, I don’t exactly have much bargaining power unless I can organise a substantial number of people.
It was still a nominal raise, but it was basically negligible in nominal terms and not even remotely sufficient to counteract inflation over the same period.
Sounds like a dream to me, tbh. Imagine becoming, say, a physicist only to end up being a code monkey for IBM waiting for your AI replacement only to wait for you eventual re-hire for less pay because the AI sucks ass.
It’s more a mark of his Christian nut job father who insisted on him playing right handed in spite of being left handed.
Who are you going to believe more, observable reality or the greatest genius smart man who invented everything, ELO~N?
My girlfriend always has some blackcurrant juice when she’s on her period. You might want to thin it out with some sparkling water, though.
Y’know, Nixon was also ultimately responsible for the extensive bombing of Cambodia and the extension of the Vietnam war, both of which killed millions (the former by laying the ground work for the rise of the Khmer Rouge) BUT the important part was that he spied in Democrats! Not to defend Trump, he’s a vile removed that would serve the world best as fertiliser, but his legacy doesn’t even remotely hold a candle to the likes of Nixon, Dubya, Truman/Eisenhower etc.
Scientists still sell their labour for some form of compensation/wage even when employed by the government. It’s not like they own any means of production which they can let others work on and extract the surplus value they produce.
56-year old original WoW dev who apparently was a noxious force in all further attempts at developing video games that involved him and never went anywhere. Also, big anti-woke person on twitter. At least that’s what I gathered from watching the first 30 mins of the skull video on this.
You’re welcome, comrade.
Yeah, and I appreciate that, comrade. Just not quite what I was looking for.
After alienating all my natural allies by being shit, I tried to suck up to the people who hate and want to kill me. They don’t seem to like me either.